Saanich North and the Islands

Site C boondoggle buried in secrecy

  Site C is a mess! From investigative reporting we know that the government has had information for at least a year about significant geotechnical problems with the project. In this round of questions, Minister of Energy, Hon. Bruce Ralston, continues his desperate attempt to blame this project on the former BC...

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Ready to govern?

When Premier John Horgan pulled the legislature down around him causing the snap pandemic election, he claimed it was because British Columbia needed a strong majority government that was ready to govern through COVID-19. He said the BC NDP were ready to lead. He claimed that his election would not delay economic...

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COVID-19 impact and work of food banks

In the first Members Statement of the 42nd Parliament I turn my attention to the responsibility we have as MLA's to govern for all British Columbians, the impact of COVID-19, and the fragility of our services. I turn my attention to the important work of food banks and then state my commitment to work toward poverty...

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Millstream Fishway restoring critical salmon habitat

Millstream Fishway restoring critical salmon habitat

The Millstream Fishway Project is a collaboration led by the Peninsula Streams Society to restore and reconnect critical salmon and cutthroat trout habitat disrupted by a poorly designed culvert under Atkins Road in Langford, BC.  There were many project and funding partners including the local, provincial and federal governments, business...

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For the coast

For the coast

I grew up fishing with my dad in our boat on the Saanich Inlet. Those experiences inspired my work in the legislature on wild salmon policy and over the next four years that work will definitely continue! The BC Green Caucus got wild salmon on the agenda during the last Parliament and what followed was a $142 million investment from both the...

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A governance solution for the Salish Sea

A governance solution for the Salish Sea

There are many issues in the Southern Gulf Islands that deeply trouble me. There are two that I will focus on in this post. Each took me time to investigate and understand the multi-jurisdiction complexity frustrating action. ISSUE #1: Anchorages in the Salish Sea For decades the waters surrounding the Southern Gulf Islands have provided...

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Eric Diller endorses Adam Olsen

Eric Diller endorses Adam Olsen

I am endorsing Adam Olsen of the Green Party because of his dedication to local environmental interests. The creation of Saanich Peninsula Environment Coalition is a testament to that. His support of peninsula businesses is also very helpful. In addition, is his support of the E&N railway is of great importance to Vancouver Island businesses and...

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Dr. Juliana Losier endorses Adam Olsen

Dr. Juliana Losier endorses Adam Olsen

The consequences of the climate crisis are a physical and mental health emergency. This crisis is affecting everyone - our friends, family, global citizens.The BC Greens are the only party that understands this issue to the core and takes continuous action to protect our present and future. There is no Plan or Planet B. If we remain silent about...

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David Suzuki endorses Adam Olsen

David Suzuki endorses Adam Olsen

Our species has become so numerous, technologically empowered and driven by consumption that we undermine the life support systems of the planet- the air, water, soil, sunlight and biodiversity. The cause of our destructiveness is the way we see the world which in turn determines the way we act.Today we place ourselves at the centre with...

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Elizabeth May, MP endorses Adam Olsen

Elizabeth May, MP endorses Adam Olsen

Hi, Elizabeth May here. You wouldn't believe I'm actually on Parliament Hill, we have trees and I want to send a shout out to the best MLA I have ever had, and I'm 66, so that is a lot of years of remembering MLA's. Adam Olsen is extraordinary, he's hard working, thoroughly ethical, actually he's inspiring, and as your MP I love having such a...

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Patricia Pearson endorses Adam Olsen

Patricia Pearson endorses Adam Olsen

[embedyt][/embedyt] Hi there, I'm Patricia Pearson, Councillor in North Saanich and co-owner of Hansell and Halkett Vintage Home Decor in Sidney, with just a week left to the provincial election I'm here to tell you why I'm supporting Adam Olsen of the Green Party for Saanich North and the Gulf Islands....

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Dr. Michael Byers endorses Adam Olsen

Dr. Michael Byers endorses Adam Olsen

[embedyt][/embedyt] Salt Spring Island and University of British Columbia political science professor Michael Byers endorses Adam Olsen for re-election as the Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in Saanich North and the Islands. [Transcript] Hello my name is Michael Byers, I'm a long time resident...

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Dr. Deb Morrison endorses Adam Olsen

Dr. Deb Morrison endorses Adam Olsen

Adam has proven to be an exceptional collaborator in navigating the complex layers of governmental jurisdictions within the Gulf Islands to find ecosystem-based solutions to our changing climate and collaborative arrangements to foster reconciliation efforts. I will be voting for Adam to ensure his voice and perspectives remain central in the...

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Deborah Goldman endorses Adam Olsen

Deborah Goldman endorses Adam Olsen

I am very happy to have Adam represent me and the Southern Gulf Islands in the provincial legislature. Adam has a firm knowledge of the issues of concern to residents and conscientiously maintains contact with us to remain current and to provide us with updates on governmental activities. He has been a consistent support during the chaos of the...

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Candidate Forum hosted by Salt Spring Forum

Candidate Forum hosted by Salt Spring Forum

[embedyt][/embedyt] The three candidates in Saanich North and the Islands got together online for our first full candidate forum was hosted by the Salt Spring Forum. The Salt Spring Forum "brings diverse perspectives on important issues to a community known for its civic engagement and openness to new...

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Chief Don Tom endorses Adam Olsen

Chief Don Tom endorses Adam Olsen

I am proud to witness Adam represent Saanich North and the Islands in the Legislature. He stood with the WSANEC people to say NO! to LNG in the Saanich Inlet. I know Adam will continue to be on the right side of history. Adam is my only choice for Saanich North and the Islands!   Chief Don Tom Tsartlip Nation [siteorigin_widget...

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Lorna Crozier endorses Adam Olsen

Lorna Crozier endorses Adam Olsen

I am a proud resident of Adam Olsen’s constituency.He is smart, tough, and caring, and if anyone can help me figure out what I can do to move forward in my relationships with Indigenous people, it is Adam.He knows the Saanich peninsula in his bones and he will do the right thing for the land, the ocean, and the people who live and work...

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Bob Peart endorses Adam Olsen

Bob Peart endorses Adam Olsen

I am honoured to endorse Adam Olsen, BC Green incumbent candidate for the Saanich North and the Islands riding for the upcoming Provincial election October 24th.Since meeting Adam, a number of years ago, I have been impressed by his interest and belief in community. Adam has served our community well in the B.C. Legislature speaking up on such...

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Jane Sterk endorses Adam Olsen

Jane Sterk endorses Adam Olsen

I was leader of the BC Green Party from 2007 to 2013. I was delighted when Adam took over as Interim Leader after my departure. He brought tremendous positive energy to the party and created the groundwork to strengthen the party and set the stage for his (and Sonia’s) win in 2017.Adam has been an amazing MLA. He approaches his constituents with...

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Logan McMenamie endorses Adam Olsen

Logan McMenamie endorses Adam Olsen

[embedyt][/embedyt] My name is Logan McMenamie, and I am very pleased to be able to endorse Adam Olsen as the MLA for Saanich North and the Islands. Adam has served us well in the legislature and served all of British Columbia well over these last number of years. I respect Adam's way of building...

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