Welcome to the archive of Adam Olsen’s work in the British Columbia Legislative Assembly from 2017 – 2024.
Latest from Adam Olsen’s Blog
Why are government actions failing to meet the urgency needed to protect wild Pacific salmon?
As the salmon go, we go! It is why I have spent so much time on salmon policy. As the industry is proudly depicted in a mural in the rotunda of the Parliament buildings it has become an example of the boom and bust...
Budget Estimates: Public Safety & Solicitor General moving toward oversight of BC Conservation Service
In final Budget Estimates exchange of the Spring 2024 session I reconnected with public safety minister and Solicitor General, Hon. Mike Farnworth. After several years of advocating for independent oversight of the BC...
Motion 29: Amending the rules to increase legislative access to all private members (non-Cabinet)!
We often think that democratic reform is limited to proportional representation. However, as I have seen how the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia functions over the past seven years I have seen how undemocratic...
Talk and log. Talk and log. Talk and log. BC NDP are rhetorically protecting old growth!
The BC NDP have perfected “talk and log”. Minister of Environment, Hon. George Heyman, has consistently disagreed with the premise of my questions. If you were to view the world through his rose coloured glasses you...
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