Since 2017 the BC Green Caucus have been pressing the BC NDP to take action to protect the grandest, high productivity old-growth forests in our province. Unfortunately, the talking points from the new Minister are the same as the talking points from the last Minister responsible for our forests. Both have routinely...
Saanich North and the Islands
Supporting firearms violence prevention while protecting Indigenous hunting rights
For decades Indigenous people in British Columbia have been arrested while undertaking their treaty-protected hunt. As a result they are forced into provincial courts to defend their long-established hunting rights. This has been the pattern, generation after generation. Even when the courts decide in favour of...

PODCAST: Jason Goertzen interviews Adam Olsen on family and politics
In this episode of The Public Circle Podcast I am interviewed by Jason Goertzen. We discuss family life in politics. Jason is the Chaplain at the British Columbia Legislature with Leading Influence Ministries. Since my election in 2017 I have enjoyed many conversations with Jason, he has provided a kind and compassionate ear, and calm advice...
Addressing stigma, discrimination and judgement of people experiencing a mental health crisis
Over the past week we the BC Green Caucus has been asking government about safe supply, decriminalization, mental health and addictions. We have heard condolences but what is missing is the urgent provincial action the mental health crisis requires. There too many stories of British Columbians who have presented to a...
As illicit drug toxicity increases, what about safe supply?
As a response to the increasing toxicity of drugs in the illicit market, the provincial government took steps to be one of the first jurisdictions to provide illicit drug users access to a safe supply of a pharmaceutical grade opioid alternative. With more than 1700 British Columbians perishing to a drug poisoning...
Legislation for province to administer home owner grant
In general terms, Bill 6 provides the provincial government the responsibility to administer the home owner grant. In the past, this is a provincial program however it has been administered by municipal governments across the province. In my second reading speech I note support for this change and express my hope that...
Questioning government about data collection and use
For the past week, my colleague Sonia Furstenau and I have been focused on data collection and how data is informing the decisions government is making about the COVID-19 pandemic. We agree with statements made by the Minister of Health that vaccine response should go to the most vulnerable people. However, if...
Two public consultations open for Saanich North and the Islanders
The provincial government has opened community consultation on the Keating X Road flyover project and wants your feedback. Also, with a third Salish class vessel ready to serve the Southern Gulf Islands BC Ferries is seeking public input into a new ferry schedule. In this two-minute statement I thank the people of...
Taking steps to support renters in British Columbia
More than two years ago I had the honour of participating in the Rental Housing Task Force with Vancouver West-End MLA Spencer Chandra-Herbert and Courtney-Comox MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard. We held community engagement sessions across the province and heard from both renters and landlords as well as other stakeholders. In...

Constituency work continues as legislature returns
Having only sat eight days in the legislature over the past eight month, constituency work has been the focus of my work. I have met with dozens of constituents and community groups. I’m thankful for the opportunity to hear from the community and to advocate on your behalf. The meetings have covered a wide range of topics. As a result, I have...

Column: What is systemic discrimination, bias and racism?
I am a member of the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. Parts of the Act have been amended over the years, but it has been decades since there were any major reviews of the entire legislation. With increasing pressure on the provincial government last summer to address systemic discrimination, bias and racism in policing, Minister...

Business grant still missing the mark
Vaughn Palmer recently wrote an editorial highlighting the challenges the provincial government is having with delivering its $300 million support program for small-medium businesses. Palmer highlights the significant inconsistencies in the messages coming from the government, specifically what Premier John Horgan is saying the problem is and...

SUCCESS! Rural designation for Salt Spring and Southern Gulf Islands
For the past decade the Capital Regional District (CRD) Electoral Area Directors for Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and the Southern Gulf Islands have been advocating for a change in their designation from urban to rural. You might remember back in December I asked Hon. Ravi Kahlon, new Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation, about...

Voices of Saanich: “My years on the wild side” with Briony Penn
Special Online Event "My years on the Wild Side" A special online evening with Briony Penn Hosted by Kate O'Connor Tuesday February 23, 2021 7:00pm RSVP: Download event poster. Please share widely! Event hosted by the Saanich North and the Islands BC Green Party Riding Association (SAN-RA) The Voices of...

Developing the potential of B.C.’s maritime industries
I am excited that Premier John Horgan is leaning into the shipbuilding sector. Why shouldn’t British Columbia be a world leader in the maritime industries? The federal government must decide who is going to build Canada’s next ultramodern polar Icebreaker. Seaspan had won the contract through a competitive process to build the vessel in British...

BC NDP majority less collaborative, accountable and transparent
There was a time not too long ago when Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP government were more collaborative, more inclusive, more accountable, and more transparent. Through the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic all three political parties were involved in informing decisions. The BC NDP worked closely with the BC Green Caucus, maintaining the...

Column: Clear communication needed for provincial vaccination plans
2020 was as difficult a year as any in recent memory, but as we move into 2021, several vaccines offer hope for relief from the COVID-19 global pandemic. The provincial government is aiming to have all British Columbians vaccinated by the end of the year starting with residents and staff in long-term care and assisted living facilities, health...

Data driven decisions need complete data
Each Monday morning at 7:40am I am on the Political Panel hosted by Stephen Quinn on CBC Vancouver. We discuss (and debate) the current events. This week the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out plan was the topic of discussion. According to government the plan is data-informed, the main point of contention debated on the panel was the data the government...

Involuntary detainment of youth struggling with mental health
When I delivered the news last summer that the BC Green Caucus could not support the proposed amendments to Bill 22: The Mental Health Amendment Act, Premier John Horgan was angry. He expected us to fall into line and later he made it clear our lack of support for the bill was a prominent factor in his decision to pull down his minority...

Column: Reflecting on the ‘inexplicable year that was 2020’
Reflecting on the inexplicable year that was 2020, it is impossible to succinctly sum up how the dramatic events of this year have impacted each one of us individually, and as a local, regional, national, and global society. The year began with demonstrations for Indigenous rights across the country and surrounding the British Columbia...

Rethinking British Columbia’s resource exploitation
In the rotunda of the British Columbia Legislature there are four murals representing British Columbia's "founding" industries - agriculture, fishing, forestry and mining. While there remains good opportunity in agriculture and mining, the fishing and forestry sectors have been in a state of decline for decades as a result of horrendous resource...

2021: Overcoming biases, fallacies, stigmas
Firstly, the answer is NO to the question being asked of every politician in Canada right now. I have barely left my house in Tsartlip during the holiday season never mind the city, province or country. Former Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips said no one was more disappointed than he is about his shocking decision to fly to the Caribbean for...

Season’s Greetings!
Season's Greetings from the my BC Green Caucus colleague Sonia Furstenau and I, the team in the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office and the whole Olsen family! 2020 was a challenging year! I sincerely hope that 2021 brings stability, peace and joy to you and yours. Our team will be taking a few days to celebrate the holiday season...

Where is Kitty?
For the past several months a drama's been unfolding in the Olsen household! Where did Kitty go? As the weeks passed there was an inclination to turn the open case into a cold case, but there was also a feeling that one day Kitty would show up. For context, when Kitty went missing she was at the top of the heap in the complex network of...
Subscribe to my new blog!
Following the election I have been working with the incredible people at Geeks on the Beach to optimize my website. They are a great group and I'm so thankful for they great work! While I enjoy developing my own web presence I definitely needed help with some of the technical stuff in the back end, search-ability and a new fresh look. I'll be...