PODCAST: Jason Goertzen interviews Adam Olsen on family and politics

Mar 11, 2021 | Audio, Blog, Personal, Podcast: Season 3, Well-being

In this episode of The Public Circle Podcast I am interviewed by Jason Goertzen. We discuss family life in politics.

Jason is the Chaplain at the British Columbia Legislature with Leading Influence Ministries. Since my election in 2017 I have enjoyed many conversations with Jason, he has provided a kind and compassionate ear, and calm advice during my most trying times.

This podcast was originally recorded for the Lead Well Leadership Course and I am thankful to have the opportunity to republish this content on my podcast.

Jason and I have a wide-ranging conversation about family life in provincial politics. We cover humility in community service, clarity in understanding your “why”, responding to a loss, increasing diversity, recruiting candidates, setting personal and professional boundaries and creating health habits early on.


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