Saanich North and the Islands

Budget Estimates 2020: Health

Budget Estimates 2020: Health

In this round of budget estimates I had a brief opportunity to inquire with the Minister of Health, Hon. Adrian Dix, about an on-going healthcare challenge on the Saanich Peninsula and across the province - a lack of access to primary care or as many know it, a shortage of family doctors. Since the 2017 election the provincial government has been...

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It’s long past time for a new fiscal framework for communities

It’s long past time for a new fiscal framework for communities

The wellbeing of our communities is threatened and solutions have been in front of provincial politicians for a long time. We must modernize local government legislation in British Columbia and provide local elected leaders access to the fiscal tools they need to build resilient communities. This is now even more urgently required as COVID-19 has...

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New Innovation Commissioner appointed for British Columbia

New Innovation Commissioner appointed for British Columbia

Installing an Innovation Commissioner was an important economic initiative proposed by the B.C. Greens in the 2017 election. It became a key policy initiative of the Confidence and Supply Agreement, the founding document for the relationship between the B.C. Green Caucus and the B.C. NDP Caucus and the strength of our minority government. We are...

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Budget Estimates 2020: Agriculture

Budget Estimates 2020: Agriculture

COVID-19 has uncovered many existential risks in our society and economy. One significant area of concern raised by my constituents and British Columbians from across the province is our food supply. There is a strong desire that we double down on the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that British Columbians have access to...

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Time to make a green recovery a priority!

Time to make a green recovery a priority!

Over the past two weeks my B.C. Green Caucus colleague Sonia Furstenau and I have been asking the government questions about their $1.5 billion COVID-19 economic recovery plans. We asked about support for the tourism and hospitality sector, funding for youth employment programs, supporting B.C. based manufacturing by strengthening local supply...

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Budget Estimates 2020: Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources

Budget Estimates 2020: Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources

The BC Green Caucus was up in Budget Estimates with Hon. Bruce Ralston (Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) this week. My colleague Sonia Furstenau and I asked Minister Ralston questions in a number of areas including BC Hydro, Site C, mining and LNG. The transcript below begins with Sonia's final question to Minister Ralston about...

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Budget Estimates 2020: Tourism, Arts and Culture

Budget Estimates 2020: Tourism, Arts and Culture

In this session of budget estimates I continue my work from earlier in the week to draw attention to the ongoing struggles of the tourism industry. In Question Period (Monday), I asked Minister Lisa Beare about her plans for supporting tourism operators over the next 18-24 months. In my Statement (Wednesday), I highlighted how as an MLA I lean on...

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Investigation into racism in B.C.’s health care system launched

Investigation into racism in B.C.’s health care system launched

Indigenous, Black and other people of colour in British Columbia and Canada face systemic racism everyday. Following calls to address the deeply entrenched problem in policing, the provincial government recently established a committee to oversee the reform of the Police Act. A couple of weeks ago Hon. Adrian Dix announced that allegations of...

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Budget Estimates 2020: Transportation and Infrastructure

Budget Estimates 2020: Transportation and Infrastructure

Transportation related issues continue to be very challenging in Saanich North and the Islands and across British Columbia. Over the past couple of weeks opposition critics have been questioning Minister Claire Travena in budget estimates. Transportation and Infrastructure is a big portfolio including ferries, transit, roads and highways. The...

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Participation in the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act

Participation in the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act

I am honoured to be named to the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. Our society is grappling with deeply entrenched systemic racism throughout our institutions. The critical work of this committee has been needed for a long time. I'm thankful that the terms of reference of the committee extends beyond just the Police Act and provides...

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New Innovation Commissioner appointed for British Columbia

BC Green Caucus commentary on economic recovery

In this post I am republishing a commentary originally published on the brand new BC Green Caucus website. Going forward you will be able to find all the legislative work of the BC Green Caucus, including videos of our work in Question Period and on Bills to media releases, statements and commentaries.In the future, commentaries such as the one...

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