Update: Week 15 – 3rd Session, 42nd Parliament

Oct 30, 2022 | Blog, Governance, MLA Updates

ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day),

Welcome to my weekly update for October 30, 2022!

MLAs returned to Victoria for the third week of the Fall sitting of the Legislative Assembly.

The BC NDP leadership event is now completed and former Attorney General, David Eby, has been confirmed to be the next Premier of British Columbia. We await his swearing in ceremony which will not happen until the third week of November.

From the perspective of an opposition Member, this is a troubling sign. Mr. Eby stated this summer that he preferred to have as little delay as possible and wanted to hit the ground running. However, more than a month will pass before he takes his seat in the Chamber and opposition Members will have few opportunities to ask about his plans for the coming months.

Wednesday was another important step forward in our collective journey of Indigenous reconciliation. Hon. Mitzi Dean, Minister of Children and Family Development, tabled substantive amendments to the Adoption Act and the Child, Family and Community Service Act (CFCSA).

The changes were hailed as a monumental step forward. The amending bill is called the Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act and in the coming week I will have the opportunity in second reading and committee debate to understand how much of the paternalism in the child welfare system is actually dismantled, and how easily the provincial government will turn over jurisdiction to Indigenous Nations.

In Question Period, I asked about the ongoing shortage of primary healthcare doctors and the growing number of clinics offering primary healthcare services for annual membership fees that are emerging in our region. I also asked about the impact of unfunded inflationary pressures on school districts and the requirement for those increased costs to be covered by the current funding model. The coming budget cycle for school board trustees is going to be incredibly difficult and it is important the Minister and public understand that every dollar going to these unfunded costs is a dollar not being spent on vulnerable children.

Thank you to everyone who wrote to the Minister regarding the Bamberton Quarry and Foreshore applications. I know the provincial government has received a large number of letters from concerned citizens.

I met with the Ministry of Mines and learned that the decision-making process for the expansion of the mine is completely separate from the environmental assessment (EA) undertaken by the Environment Ministry. Many residents demanded the province not approve the request until the project underwent a complete EA.

Currently, the Ministry of Environment has determined an EA is not required. I have requested a briefing from them to better understand why. It appears to me that under the current regulation the operators can continue applying to expand the quarry and as long as their request remains under a certain threshold, they will never need an EA. It makes little sense, but my investigative work continues.

The deadline for public input is November 14, 2022. Learn more here.

Finally, the Electoral Boundaries Commission has released their final report. You can learn more about the proposed changes to Saanich North and the Islands below.

The deadline for public input is November 22, 2022. Learn more here.

If you find this newsletter informative, please share it with your friends and neighbours and invite them to sign up to receive my updates.

If you need advocacy from our office, have any questions or concerns, please provide your feedback at Adam.Olsen.MLA@leg.bc.ca or 250-655-5600.


Adam Olsen, MLA
Saanich North and the Islands

Submit your feedback on boundary changes proposed for Saanich North and the Islands

View my blog post here for more information.


Despite Minister Adrian Dix’s claims he is addressing the primary healthcare crisis in British Columbia, thousands of my constituents in Saanich North and the Islands do not have access to a family doctor.

The pace of Minister Dix’s response is creating a gap and the corporations are lining up to exploit it.

While the Minister claims he supports equitable access to universal healthcare, the corporatization is rapidly expanding on his watch. He claims there are investigations underway however we are not seeing action to address the growing problem. New businesses are being open and the gap between those who can afford to pay out of pocket for a family doctor and those who cannot continues to grow.

I doubt this is the universal healthcare envisioned by Tommy Douglas.

Transcript – (2:40pm)
YouTube (Hansard video)
Blog Post

I have been hearing about the challenges that school districts are facing managing the unfunded inflationary pressures that are piling up.

Especially in districts of stable or declining enrollment newly elected school board trustees will be tasked with challenging decisions about what is going to get cut.

The BC NDP government has yet to show families in British Columbia that public education is a priority, delivering just the basic levels of funding that is required by law and collective bargaining agreements.

I shouldn’t have to remind the Minister that every dollar of unfunded inflationary pressures in a school district is a dollar not spent on a vulnerable child.

Transcript – (10:35pm)
YouTube (Hansard video)
Blog Post


I have been hearing about the challenges that school districts are facing managing the unfunded inflationary pressures that are piling up.

Especially in districts of stable or declining enrollment newly elected school board trustees will be tasked with challenging decisions about what is going to get cut.

The BC NDP government has yet to show families in British Columbia that public education is a priority, delivering just the basic levels of funding that is required by law and collective bargaining agreements.

I shouldn’t have to remind the Minister that every dollar of unfunded inflationary pressures in a school district is a dollar not spent on a vulnerable child.

Transcript – (2:35pm)
YouTube (Hansard video)
Blog Post


I spoke to Bill 36: Health Professions and Occupations Act. It must be the heftiest, all 645 clauses, that has been tabled in my time in the British Columbia Legislative Assembly.

This is new legislation comes out of the work of a steering committee created by the Minister of Health, Hon. Adrian Dix, and including the Member for Kelowna-Lake Country, Norm Letnick and the Member for Cowichan Valley, Sonia Furstenau. This process demonstrates how good collaborative work can be accomplished in the legislature.

This legislation creates a new oversight role of health professions, reduces the number of colleges from 20-6, reforms the complaint process, independent discipline tribunal, and changes the college boards from elected to government appointed.

Transcript – (2:00pm)
YouTube (Hansard video)
Blog Post

Bills This Week

Bill 37 Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022
This bill amends the Oil and Gas Activities Act and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act to change how the energy industry is regulated, including the growing hydrogen industry. This builds on work to develop a comprehensive hydrogen strategy and establish a B.C. Hydrogen Office.

Bill 38Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act
This bill amends the Adoption Act and the Child, Family and Community Service Act (CFCSA). These acts govern the child welfare system in B.C. The proposed legislation aligns the Adoption Act with the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples, while changes to the CFCSA aims to reduce barriers to Indigenous jurisdiction over Indigenous child and family services in British Columbia.

Bill 40Passenger Transportation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022
This bill continues to address the needs of the taxi and ride-hail industries in British Columbia. It contains amendments to the Passenger Transportation Act, focusing on enhancing passenger safety and increasing accessibility for taxis and ride-hail vehicles.


2022 Budget Estimates are complete.


CBC Political Panel
Listen in every Monday morning, 7:30 I’m on the CBC Political Panel on The Early Edition with Stephen Quinn | Live Radio | CBC Listen

Oct. 24, 2022: Political Panel — Political Panel: What should we expect from David Eby’s first 100 days in office? | The Early Edition with Stephen Quinn | Live Radio | CBC Listen

Oct. 27, 2022: Opposition parties slam Eby for suspending legislative session – MLA Olsen, Indo-Canadian Voice

Oct. 27, 2022: BC premier-designate David Eby to be sworn in November 18th – MLA Olsen, Victoria Buzz

Oct. 27, 2022: New B.C. premier Eby to be sworn in Nov. 18, with Liberals and Greens decrying delay – MLA Olsen, Times Colonist/Glacier Outlets


Contact my Community Office. We are here to advocate on behalf of residents of Saanich North and the Islands. If you need advocacy or you have a question, concern, suggestion or idea, please do not hesitate to contact me at Adam.Olsen.MLA@leg.bc.ca or 250-655-5600.

Find us at:
9828 Fourth St.
Sidney, BC
V8L 2Z3


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