Hansard Video

Erosion of universal health concerning trend under BC NDP

Erosion of universal health concerning trend under BC NDP

I am concerned about the growing inequality in primary health care. In Saanich North and the Islands there is a doctor’s clinic that has a membership fee. This is a concerning situation and frankly I am surprised that this is happening under the BC NDP. In 2017, the provincial government began a reorganization of primary care services. The focus...

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Commentary: Temporary ban on new dock applications

Commentary: Temporary ban on new dock applications

In August, the province approved a ministerial order to ban new applications for private moorage in the southern gulf islands and southeastern shoreline of Vancouver Island. The order is effective from August 24, 2021 – August 23, 2023. In September, I met with Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Hon. Nathan Cullen, to...

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Reconciliation at gunpoint – Conflict over land and resources continues despite BC NDP promises

Despite promises to embrace a new journey of reconciliation with Indigenous Nations in British Columbia, the provincial BC NDP government continue to act like a 19th century resource colony. In order to preserve Crown and corporate interests, the BC NDP government maintain a policy that utilizes Court injunctions to...

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Minister Rankin blames conflict over CGL pipeline on the Wet’suwet’en people

It appears that Hon. Murray Rankin, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation believes the long-standing conflict over the Coastal GasLink pipeline currently being built in the Wet'suwet'en territory, is the result of "tension and division" among the Wet'suwet'en people. Let's be clear, the fully-armed RCMP...

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Proposed changes to funding for neurodiverse children will create barriers for Indigenous families

For weeks now Minister of Children and Family Development (MCFD), Hon. Mitzi Dean, has been defending her decision to change the funding model for children with autism and other neurodiverse conditions. I have asked her a few questions on this issue (here and here) and raised it again in the context of Indigenous...

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Will BC NDP listen to advocates and halt changes to funding model for neurodiverse children?

Three weeks ago, the Minister of Children and Family Development, Hon. Mitzi Dean, announced an overhaul of funding and supports for children with autism and other complex neurodiverse needs. Other than suggesting the BC NDP would adopt a hub model for service delivery, Minister Dean offered few other details. Parents...

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