Celebrating 15th anniversary with Emily Olsen!

Nov 18, 2021 | 42-2, Blog, Governance, Legislature, Statement, Video

During introductions I took the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate 15 years of marriage with Emily Olsen.


Mr. Speaker, today I want to just pause and acknowledge that it’s our 15th anniversary. Emily and I were married 15 years ago today, for the second time. That was because in August of the same year, the Leader of the Third Party’s mother fake-married us for the first time. That was before I had met the Leader of the Third Party, ironically enough. Nonetheless, we knew her mother for quite some time before that. I want to raise my hands in gratitude to my loving partner and wife, Emily, who does so much in order to allow me to do this work and to take the time to do this work — hopefully, well. I also acknowledge and raise my hands in gratitude or the work she’s doing in our community at the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Secondary School as an EA, as well as an advocate for mental health and wellness in our community in an event she hosts annually, called the Connection Project. I know that she’s not watching today, but hopefully, she will watch the video later when I post it on my YouTube channel. Would the members of this House please thank Emily along with me, for spending so many years, and to many years into the future.


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