I spoke to Bill 36: Health Professions and Occupations Act. It must be the heftiest, all 645 clauses, that has been tabled in my time in the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. This is new legislation comes out of the work of a steering committee created by the Minister of Health, Hon. Adrian Dix, and including the...
Ministerial Statement: Responding to the tabling of reforms to the child welfare system
Child welfare in British Columbia has long been a shameful part of our provincial history. As the Ministry of Children and Family Development Fact Sheet noted despite the reality that Indigenous people are less than 10% of the population, Indigenous children represent 68% of the children in care. The provincial child...
Slow response to primary healthcare crisis leaves constituents desperate
Despite Minister Adrian Dix’s claims he is addressing the primary healthcare crisis in British Columbia, thousands of my constituents in Saanich North and the Islands do not have access to a family doctor. The pace of Minister Dix’s response is creating a gap and the corporations are lining up to exploit it. While the...

Submit your feedback on boundary changes proposed for Saanich North and the Islands
In October 2021, the provincial government struck an Electoral Boundaries Commission to review electoral district boundaries and make recommendations with the goal of ensuring that the weight of all British Columbians vote is equal. Among the boundary realignments the Commission proposed adding six new electoral districts, expanding the...

Update: Week 14 – 3rd Session, 42nd Parliament
ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day), Welcome to my weekly update for October 23, 2022! With the 2022 local government and school district elections in the books, I want to raise my hands in gratitude to all our friends, family and neighbours who courageously put their names on the ballot for our consideration. Congratulations to all the newly elected and...
Remembering former MLA and entrepreneur Clive Tanner
In September, former Saanich North and the Islands MLA and Sidney businessman Clive Tanner passed away. In my statement this week I stood to recognize Mr. Tanner and the significant contribution he made to our community and province. [Transcript] Today I stand to celebrate the life of a community leader and former...
From a culture of secrecy to open government
This week, the report of the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act that was published earlier this summer was officially table in the Legislative Assembly. As a member of the Committee, I had an opportunity to speak to the process and the contents of the report. As the...

Update: Week 13 – 3rd Session, 42nd Parliament
ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day), Welcome to my weekly update for October 9, 2022! Firstly, I want to raise my hands in gratitude this Thanksgiving weekend. Thank you to my Constituency Advocates, Laura Parker and William Kelly for their incredible work on behalf of the people in Saanich North and the Islands. Thank you to the team in the BC Green Caucus...
Bill to protect bear dens in British Columbia
Currently there is no province wide protection for bear dens. While they are protected on Haida Gwaii and in the Great Bear Rainforest, and some protection by logging companies for the vast majority of the province bear den habitat is vulnerable to logging. The private members bill that I tabled today corrects that,...
Why is the BC NDP allowing Coastal GasLink to drill under Wedzin Kwa while salmon are spawning?
The Coastal GasLink pipeline controversy continues as the BC NDP allow the company to drill and blast under the Wedzin Kwa (also known as the Morice River) while it is full of spawning salmon. The company faces a host of compliance issues with environmental regulations, meanwhile the Minister of Environment and...
Ministerial Statement: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ National Day of Action
On behalf of the B.C. Green Caucus, I responded to the Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Hon. Murray Rankin's Ministerial Statement on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ National Day of Action. [Transcript] Mr. Speaker, first I would just like to acknowledge both of the...
Does B.C. Minister of Forests believe burning wood pellets produces clean energy?
In my first Question of the Fall session I asked Minister of Forests, Hon. Katrine Conroy about the growing controversy surrounding the wood pellet industry. Journalists in both the United Kingdom and here in Canada are investigating the claims of the British Columbia government and Drax, a large multinational...

MLA COLUMN: Get involved in the upcoming municipal elections
Have you ever considered running for public office? If not on the ballot, have you wondered how you can help someone who is running? The decisions at the local government table create the form and character of our neighbourhoods and communities. They are potentially the most impactful on our quality of life and that is why it is so important for...

Update: Week 12 – 3rd Session, 42nd Parliament
ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day), Welcome to my weekly update for June 5th, 2022! This will be the last weekly update of the Spring legislative session. I will produce a monthly newsletter until the Legislature resumes sitting in October. There is a lot of content in this newsletter. Please scroll to bottom as I am sharing important information about...
Restoration of the name of Daajing Giids
I am grateful to Gud Takin Jaad, Rose Williams for preparing this statement about the official name change of Queen Charlotte City back to Daajing Giids. [Transcript] The statement was written by Gud Takin Jaad, B.C. Green caucus intern and proud Haida. In 2019, the Skidegate Haida immersion program submitted a...
Proposing changes to limit the use of solitary confinement in provincial justice system
Today, I tabled legislation to ban the use of prolonged solitary confinement in provincial correctional facilities for both adults and youth. Solitary confinement is defined by the United Nations (UN) as any confinement, seclusion, or segregation of individuals for more than 22 hours a day without meaningful human...
Why is BC NDP government limiting the Gwa’sala-‘nakwaxda’xw historical information on child welfare?
The Gwa’sala-‘nakwaxda’xw Nation are in the process of taking back jurisdiction of child welfare as per federal legislation. They have been attempting to get access to historical information from the provincial Crown governments Ministry of Children and Family Development but have been consistently blocked by the BC...
What is BC NDP doing to protect workers from poor air quality due from wildfires?
The BC NDP have long claimed to be the only party that speaks for workers. Increasingly we are seeing they cannot back up their claims. They have failed to protect educators and healthcare workers from COVID-19 and as the climate crisis is causing more and larger wildfires, British Columbians who work outdoors will...
Ministerial Statement: Marking one year since confirmation of unmarked graves at Kamloops
As we approach the one year anniversary since Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir (Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc) announced the preliminary findings of 215 graves of children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School I stood and marked the occasion in a response to a Ministerial Statement delivered by Minister Murray Rankin. This...
Why is BC NDP investing $800 million on a new museum and only $500,000 in repatriation?
The BC NDP need to get their priorities straight. They announced an $800 million new Royal BC Museum, when millions of British Columbians are struggling to keep up with the increasing costs of basic needs like food, transportation and housing. And, for months British Columbians have been demanding the BC NDP address...
Remembering Jim Hume
On April 13, 2022 Jim Hume passed away. He was an extraordinary, and longest-serving member of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly Press Gallery. I am grateful to have the opportunity to honour the memory of Mr. Hume. [Transcript] This was prepared by Stephen Hume. Jim Hume surrendered his seat in the press...
Modernization of the Mental Health Act and the Police Act is necessary, will the BC NDP do it?
It has been 25 years since the British Columbia government did a comprehensive update of the Mental Health Act. In 2021, the BC NDP made a record investment in mental health programs and services. However, the Act governing them is outdated and based on ideas and values from a previous generation. Another Act that...
Low Carbon Fuels Act positive step to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, more urgency needed
In the first Bill addressing climate change since the BC NDP got their majority government, the Low Carbon Fuels Act is upgrading the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act (2008). With 37% of the greenhouse gas emissions in British Columbia coming from transportation, our pathway to meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets...
Update: Week 9 – 3rd Session, 42nd Parliament
ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day), Welcome to my weekly update for May 8th, 2022! Happy Mother’s Day! I raise my hands to all the powerful mothers in my life, my mom Sylvia, wife Emily, sisters Joni and Heather, Pat, Rochana, Leila, Sonia, Maeve, Jonina, and so many more. I hold the memory of my late-grandmothers Laura and Phyllis in my heart. So much love to...