
Celebrating Cathy Cook!

In my final statement of the decade I acknowledge the career and passion of Cathy Cook. From the start of my tour of the Saanich Seed Orchard & Nursery, Cathy demonstrated her deep passion for her work. When I heard she was retiring after nearly four decades of service to our forests I knew I needed to highlight...

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Speaking to our old-growth forests

The BC Green Caucus is committed to changing the current BC NDP approach to managing old-growth forests. These ancient creatures are the largest and oldest on earth. They are a non-renewable resource and while the Minister of Forests claims that his Ministry is developing a management plan they continue to auction of...

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We must work to restore trust in government

Over the past week the BC Green Caucus has been raising substantial concerns about money-laundering. There is a crisis in our government institution and as an MLA we have a responsibility to address it head-on. [Transcript] There's a crisis of confidence in this institution. Thinking back to the thousands of stories I...

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Salmon stories and Howard English Hatchery

I have stood and spoke on behalf of wild salmon in the Legislature dozens of times in 2018. This was possibly the last time I would be able to advocate for them this year. In my final statement of this year I highlight the stories about our relatives the wild salmon, the work at the Howard English Hatchery and my hope...

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Celebrating Character Abbotsford

I had the opportunity to stand and acknowledge the work of Character Canada and Character Abbotsford. The focus of this powerful organization is to "inspire character, enable leaders and influence community." As they state it is not about being the character police or demanding perfection but rather "living through...

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Honouring Dieppe veteran Ken Curry

Ken Curry is the last living veteran of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry and the ill-fated Canadian contingent that raided the beaches of Dieppe. He is 96 years old and lives in Sidney, BC. In a few days we will be honouring our veterans on Remembrance Day. I stood in the house and spoke to the sacrifice they make on...

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Paying respects to Mike Fleming

For the past 38 years, Saanichton farmer Mike Fleming has donated the Christmas tree to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. At the end of October Mr. Fleming died suddenly of a heart attack while harvesting Christmas trees in the Kootenays. I had the honour of remembering Mike Fleming on behalf of the whole...

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Debating the climate emergency

BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver called for an emergency debate in the BC Legislature to respond to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations ( "on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global...

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