Take a breath…

Aug 19, 2019 | Blog | 12 comments

If you’re a regular here this blog takes a few minutes of your day. I’m thankful for every moment you spend reading my daily offerings.

Today I invite you to take the time that you would normally invest in reading this post to meditate on something that you are thankful for. No doubt there is so much to be outraged about. However, there is also so much that we can be grateful for.

This is a gentle reminder to pause and take a breath…


If you choose to take up my invitation, and you are comfortable sharing, I believe we all benefit from knowing each other a little better. Please leave your moment of gratitude it in the comment section below.

Have a wonderfully amazing day!

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  1. Brenda Erven

    I have a roof over my head, and a job to provide for my son <3

  2. Gudrun Finnen

    I am grateful for waking up in this beautiful place, looking out the window at the big trees. For the Little house we were able to build here. And my Family, need and far.
    Thank you for continued mail, every morning, inspiration and Hope.
    Cheers, Gudrun

  3. Nicholas Ford

    I feel lucky to have been born in Canada (in the Cowichan Valley). There are too many reasons to list why I feel grateful I was born here, but a few are: I was born in 1967 and have experienced Peace throughout my lifetime (while much of the World has been in armed conflict); despite some disturbing trends socially and on the Right, Canada remains an amazingly tolerant Country (I realize there is far to go, especially with Native rights, etc.); the older I get I realize more and more that I have experienced Great Freedom in Canada. So, for all your injustices, Canada (every Country has some). For all your unfortunate faults, Canada: I still feel lucky to be Canadian. And lucky to be able to sometimes effect my society for the better: remember the best change starts within you—in your heart. I hope for a better and more tolerant Canada (that gets serious about Climate Change… and FAST!). *Please: everyone reading this, I hope you have a Great Day! 🙂

  4. ANN Schau

    For the last few days, I have spent time with young people- with my grandchildren, with fellow musicians who are environmental & social activists in thoughtful, considered ways. I am deeply grateful for their enthusiasm, willingness to share, and invitations to join.
    And thank you also, Adam, for the encouragement to share!

  5. Paul Petrie

    I am thankful for the quiet moment of peace this exercise brought me Adam. Thank you. I am deeply grateful for my family, my friends and my community for the support they collectively provide as I navigate these challenging times. They are my lifeboat.

  6. Jan Carroll

    Thank you Adam . I needed to stop and smell flower.

  7. Jason Koldewijn

    I’m grateful for the innovators who are leading the way forward with new materials, technologies, food security and social/ecological connections. I’m grateful for the challenges we’re facing, as without challenge there is no evolution…
    I’m grateful for the reminder in my email this morning.

  8. Gayle Morton

    Upon sitting down and taking that breath I was immediately so grateful for this beautiful world outside my window. And also for the support, guidance, direction and love from all my relations-and the ability to being open to these wonderful teachings and wisdom. Thank you.

  9. Julie Northey

    I am grateful for each and every day I am able to deeply breathe here-way, way too many are filled with others’ inconsiderate use of wood burning… we went to the ocean and drank it all in deeply on Sunday- but yes, “it” the toxic PM2.5 was back in the evening. Windows need to be shut on an otherwise warm and balmy night. xox

  10. Jan Steinman

    Can’t breathe right now… too busy!

    But I take many such moments throughout each day, milking goats, watching the moon change phases, enjoying the slow progression of Jupiter across the southern sky, picking blackberries, stopping for a moment to enjoy the shape and variety of clouds… it’s an absolutely wonderful world!

  11. Gayle Morton

    ????????????thank you. I’m glad you are able to enjoy your life in this way.

  12. Lisa baile

    I am thankful for that first deep daybreak breath I take when I step outside and inhale the new day deep into my lungs.
    I am thankful to return to my Island this evening. Of all the places in the world what a privilege it is to live here!



  1. The man who fell from the sky with the rain - Adam Olsen, MLA - […] other day, I invited you to think about, and maybe even share, something that you are thankful […]

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