Celebrating the spirit of volunteerism

Apr 13, 2019 | Blog

National Volunteer Week (April 7-13, 2019) is coming to a close. I want to pause and celebrate the invaluable contributions of volunteers across the province that give life to our communities and lift them up.

Here’s to the volunteers that dedicate their time to make Saanich North and the Islands the wonderful place that it is. This year’s theme is the Volunteer Factor: Lifting Communities… without a doubt, volunteers are pillars of our communities whose altruism inspires.

I’d like to thank the volunteers in my constituency office – Lil Charles, Linda Brown, Nancy Searing, Hunter Lastiwka, Jacqueline Peacock, Emma Adler, Ellen Guttormson, and Susan Evans – we couldn’t provide the services we do for our constituents without you. HÍ SW̱ KE!

Volunteers lift us up!

Many services on the Southern Gulf Islands are delivered by volunteer power. The Island communities would not be so vibrant, creative and safe without the generosity and dedication of each and every volunteer who steps up in their community.

From volunteer-run libraries, to fire departments and first responder services to art programs, festivals, and visitor information centres… it is truly inspiring how many important services are provided by the individual desire to strengthen one’s community. Our Saanich Peninsula communities benefit from the incredible work of volunteers. They give their time and skills to make life easier and support each other. Volunteering brings people together and builds community. Whether it’s search and rescue teams on land and water, elder and youth care and environmental stewardship, volunteering is a great way to strengthen networks and build resilient communities that look after each other.

I am looking forward to volunteering as a pilot for the Cycling Without Age Society in coming months! If you’d like to get involved in your community check out Volunteer Saanich Peninsula, Volunteer Victoria or your local organization of interest.

HÍ SW̱ KE! (Thank you) to all the volunteers and future volunteers in our community.

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

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