PODCAST: Adam Olsen on the LNG tax subsidies

Mar 31, 2019 | Audio, Blog, Podcast: Season 1 | 1 comment

I change things up a little for the sixth episode of The Public Circle Podcast.

The BC NDP put Bill 10, Income Tax Amendment Act (2019) up for debate this week. If you have been following my blog then you will already have some indication of my response to the Bill. In this podcast, I am publishing my second reading debate speech, and responses to two second reading amendments.

The Bill is legislating the tax policy for LNG Canada, and is one part of a package of incentives that the BC NDP government have used to entice the proponents to commit to the project.

The BC Green Caucus is strongly against this project, and throughout the week I have published videos and written transcripts of my speeches and posts (here and here) with my general reaction.

We have told the BC NDP that we will not support further subsidies of the oil and gas industry. We believe our provincial effort should be on moving CleanBC forward, and attracting and nurturing a modern economy in British Columbia.

No more subsidies for oil and gas!

This podcast contains three speeches. The first is a response to an amendment put forward by my colleague Andrew Weaver. The second is my response to second reading of Bill 10, followed by my response to my own amendment to the Bill. And the third, is my response to an amendment put forward by my colleague Sonia Furstenau.

We have gone to great lengths voice our opposition of the direction of governmen. We will continue to do everything we can to oppose it as the debate continues at committee stage, then the third (and final) reading, coming this week.

If you have any questions you can email me at Adam.Olsen.MLA@leg.bc.ca. I’d love to hear your feedback, please comment below.

You can find my colleagues work on their websites. (Andrew Weaver | Sonia Furstenau)

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1 Comment

  1. Earl Richards

    The deep-well credit is a LNG corporate rip-off.

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