I sit in The Public Circle LIVE! studio and chat with documentary filmmaker Charlie Morris. Charlie is from North Carolina and has been following the ongoing debate about salmon, fish farms and aquaculture in British...
020 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Salmon, Peninsula Streams and Ian Bruce)
Episode 20 - The Public Circle LIVE! (Salmon, Peninsula Streams and Ian Bruce) August 3, 2018 Once each month I will be inviting a local champion into The Circle to highlight the work that they do on an important issue in...

019 – The Public Circle LIVE!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gneqG4aB2G0[/embedyt] Episode 019 - The Public Circle LIVE! (BC Ferries, doctors and office communications) Friday, July 27, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the...

018 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Back in the saddle!)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lADeoDRP5YI[/embedyt] Episode 018 - The Public Circle LIVE! (Back in the saddle!) Friday, June 22, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency...

017 – The Public Circle LIVE! (The fish farms decision)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRyWdHTZ9Vk[/embedyt] Episode 017 - The Public Circle LIVE! Friday, June 22, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office in Sidney, BC. Adam...
016 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Protecting wild salmon)
016 - The Public Circle LIVE! Friday, June 15, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office in Sidney, BC. Adam discusses various issues in...
Connecting the Saanich Peninsula and Cowichan Valley by passenger ferry
There have long been discussions about better connecting the Capital Region and Cowichan Valley Regional District by building a bridge across the Saanich Inlet. There is no doubt that we need better connectivity on Southern Vancouver...

015 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Old-growth forests and Malahat crashes)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEvaFDq2e5U[/embedyt] Episode 015 - The Public Circle LIVE! Friday, May 25, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office in Sidney, BC. Adam...
014 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Cannabis, Kinder Morgan, wild salmon and more…)
Episode 014 - The Public Circle LIVE! Friday, May 18, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office in Sidney, BC. Adam discusses various...
Salt Spring business leaders creating shared service tools
This week the BC Green Caucus has been celebrating and highlighting business in BC. Technology, innovation, education, investment in post-secondary skills training have all been front and centre. Entrepreneurs work hard and shoulder...
42nd Parliament, 3rd Session
42nd Parliament, 2nd Session
42nd Parliament, 1st Session
41st Parliament, 5th Session
41st Parliament, 4th session
41st Parliament, 3rd session
41st Parliament, 2nd session
41st Parliament, 1st session