A Wake-Up Call for BC: Securing our Food Supply

Feb 27, 2025 | Blog, Community, Economy, Environment, Well-being

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From trade wars to drought—why we need a bold plan for food security

British Columbia is facing an unprecedented economic crisis. While the provincial government is moving quickly to streamline energy and environmental assessment policies it lacks the same sense of urgency for food security—a critical concern considering given our current situation. In this post, I’ll explore why it matters and why we need bold leadership on local food production now more than ever.

In just a few weeks, the energy minister has expedited the introduction of legislation to accelerate renewable energy projects and change permitting, while the agriculture ministry plans to meet quarterly with industry leaders—over more than a year—to discuss the food supply and economy. This stark difference in timelines shows where our governments priorities are.

Skewed priorities?

I’m not levelling specific criticism at either initiative. We need both, more clean energy, and more food security. The issue that concerns millions of British Columbians is the overall priority. As a former local and provincial politician, I’ve experienced how our provincial government has always given the energy ministry a higher priority than the agriculture ministry.

The fact that the energy ministry can roll out substantial statutory and regulatory amendments in just a few weeks, while the agriculture ministry is setting up a much slower and less definitive task force, to discuss the food supply and economy over a year and a half, is an example of the disparity, and a clear indication of Premier David Eby’s priorities. I think they are skewed.

Food security matters now!

This lack of urgency has real consequences. For example, the recent threat of punitive tariffs on Canadian exports by the U.S. President has led many British Columbians to boycott American-grown food. It is increasingly apparent we rely too heavily on imported food, and as the North American trade war intensifies, British Columbians food insecurity is exposed.

We are looking for local food products right now, and while there is nothing we can do about past growing seasons, we can act before the 2025 growing season arrives. Why aren’t we creating aggressive incentives to get as much land in food production as possible this spring? Where is the hopeful, inspiring message urging us to support our local farmers to ensure a bountiful harvest, this year—not two years from now?

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The ALR was created for this moment!

The Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)—protecting more than 4.6-million hectares of farmland, nearly 5% the province—was created for this moment. Yet far too much of it is out of production, even while British Columbians call for food security.

Successive Premiers have relegated the agriculture minister to a cheerleading role rather than providing the resources and authority to enact real, transformative food policy.

We don’t need a stopgap measure. In addition to our current economic crisis, the U.S. southwest is experiencing severe drought, putting tremendous pressure on food production. It should be a wake-up call.

A call for transformative action on food security!

We urgently need transformative action on food security. British Columbians are already facing higher food prices. We have protected land in the ALR, we have experienced and willing farmers, there is demand from the public. Our Agriculture Minister, Hon. Lana Popham is the ideal person to lead an aggressive plan to increase our food security. It’s time to put the ALR to work, incentivize local production, and invest in the rapid expansion of food processing and storage across the province.

Now is the time for bold leadership. If you agree, consider sending a note of encouragement to your MLA, the Premier, and Ministers of agriculture and finance. Let them know that food security should be a top priority and that you support immediate action to put our farmland to work, invest in local producers and secure our food supply.


Find your Member of the Legislative Assembly by Constituency.

Premier David Eby: premier@gov.bc.ca
Hon. Lana Popham: AF.Minister@gov.bc.ca
Hon. Brenda Bailey: FIN.Minister@gov.bc.ca

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