PODCAST: Ken Wu – Protecting high productivity old-growth in British Columbia

Mar 22, 2021 | Audio, Blog, Environment, Governance, Podcast: Season 3

This podcast was originally published on The Green Exchange podcast from the BC Green Caucus on March 19, 2021.

This podcast is a MUST LISTEN if you are concerned about old-growth in British Columbia.

In this episode of The Public Circle Podcast I connect with Ken Wu, the former Executive Director of the Ancient Forest Alliance and the current Executive Director of the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance.

For the past thirty years Ken has worked on protecting high productivity old-growth in British Columbia. Starting in the Walbran and Clayquot forests, and as the former Executive Director of the Victoria Chapter of the Wilderness Committee, he is a leading advocate for old-growth protection in our province.

Ken and I discuss the difference between low-medium productivity and high productivity old-growth. We highlight how government officials continue to mix and muddle the numbers in an effort to take credit for massive deferrals (more than 350,000 hectares) announced last September when in reality all but 1% of those deferrals were previously protected.

We also discuss the need for British Columbia to create conservation financing and land acquisition funds to bring to the consultation table with Indigenous Nations. Otherwise, the province is simply asking First Nations to walk away from revenue and jobs that the provincial government would never consider asking any other community to do.

With so little high productivity old-growth remaining time is of the essence. Please share this podcast far and wide! Thank you.


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