PODCAST: Week 2 with Nick Gilchrist

Nov 10, 2019 | Audio, Blog, Podcast: Season 2

Week 2: 11/10/2019

Welcome back to The Public Circle Podcast. In this episode I return with my brother-in-law Nick Gilchrist to pick up our weekly discussion about life in British Columbia politics. I enjoy these conversations and I think we are finding a nice mix of information and entertainment.

We start this episode by talking about the B.C. Cabinet and First Nations Leaders’ Gathering that I attended early in the week.

  • We highlight how it is an annual opportunity for Indigenous leaders to meet with provincial Cabinet Ministers and how it is very similar to the local government convention hosted by the Union of BC Municipalities.
  • Conversation breaks off in a few different ways,
    • We discuss my relationships with Cabinet Ministers,
    • Introduce the two MLA’s who sit behind me in all my videos (Ronna-Rae Leonard and Rick Glumac), and
    • We get hung up for quite awhile talking about why I often refer to “this place” in my videos.

For clarification, Andrew Weaver is the Leader of the Third Party not the Official Opposition.

Next, we spend a few minutes discussing the personal and social impact of being an elected representative.

  • I start by noting that I had dinner with my mom and Tex while I was in Vancouver and that due to my job I do not see them as much as I once did. We chat about the toll politics has on personal relationships.
  • We discuss waking up early, walking and yoga and the benefits they have on physical well-being.

Following is a regrettable ???? discussion about the provincial engagement on daylight saving time. It’s mostly regrettable because it is painfully obvious that neither of us showed up to this topic prepared.

  • The provincial government’s public consultation on daylight saving time was the largest public response ever yet somehow we completely whiffed.
  • We highlight that British Columbia will continue to work with our neighbours on the Pacific coast to advance this issue.

Finally, we spend a considerable amount of time discussing the Rural Islands Economic Forum.

  • While this part of the conversation is more broadly about life on the Southern Gulf Islands we discuss the recent economic forum at Poets Cove Resort on Pender Island.
  • We chat about my perspective of the historic economy on the Gulf Islands and how the modern economy can be diversified while promoting sustainability and resilience within the physical limitations.
  • We discuss in some detail the governance structures on the Islands and acknowledge there are deep challenges for the rural Island communities.

We would love to hear what you think about this podcast format. Please comment and ask questions below or on our social media channels.

If you would like to read my blog –  you can find it here.
You can connect with me in the comment section below – or send me an email.
If you want to get in contact with Nick – email him here.

We love Central Saanich Little League. You can find out more about the league and support it here.

Check out the Rural Islands initiative here.

If you want to participate in any provincial government public engagement, this is where you will find the information.

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