Opposing the LNG tax giveaway

Mar 27, 2019 | 41-4, Bills, Blog, Governance, Video | 6 comments

Over the past 48 hours, I and my B.C. Green colleagues, each spoke to second reading of Bill 10, Income Tax Amendment Act (2019).

We are clear. We do not support any further subsidies of the natural gas industry and we will not be complicit in supporting the further subsidization of climate change as the BC NDP have proposed.

Each member of our Caucus proposed an amendment at second reading. Andrew proposed a reasoned amendment, Sonia proposed sending the Bill to a Select Standing Committee and I proposed delaying the Bill for 6 months.

At each of these amendments we each took the opportunity to speak to the amendments. Below are the videos and transcripts of each time I stood and spoke in the debate.

I have a feeling our work is not done on this Bill.

The BC NDP have proposed a Bill to subsidize climate change to astounding levels.

This corporate welfare package proposes breaks on PST, the carbon tax, hydro, steel and aluminium tariffs that go far beyond the package of gifts offered by the BC Liberals – $6 billion further.

All of these offers are on the backs of the British Columbia taxpayers and ratepayers, indeed British Columbians will have to continue to pay the increasing rates, and the project will add 3.5 megatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions at a time when urgent climate action is needed.

It’s an absurd proposal.

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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-acIjLnGNrY[/embedyt]


Following my comments to Andrew Weaver’s amendment to Bill 10, I had the opportunity to offer my comments to the BC NDP’s  Bill proposing to subsidize climate change.

This corporate welfare package proposes breaks on PST, the carbon tax, hydro, steel and aluminium tariffs that go far beyond the package of gifts offered by the BC Liberals – $6 billion further.

Following my comments I offered an amendment of my own to delay the consideration of the Bill for six months.

In my comments speaking in favour of my amendment I associate a quote to a First Nations Chief when in fact it was from U.S. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

In my response to my colleague Sonia Furstenau’s amendment to Bill 10, I clear up the record.

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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybjn7FzD_7g[/embedyt]


The B.C. Green Caucus worked very hard through second reading of Bill 10 to give our colleagues time to pause and think about the massive tax giveaway and subsidization of climate change that they are about to vote to support.

This corporate welfare package proposes breaks on PST, the carbon tax, hydro, steel and aluminium tariffs that go far beyond the package of gifts offered by the BC Liberals – $6 billion further.

My colleague Sonia Furstenau spoke last to Bill 10. When she was done she also moved an amendment to send the Bill to a Committee for further review, investigation and with the power to call witnesses.

During the my comments in speaking in favour of my amendment I associate a quote to a First Nations Chief when in fact it was from U.S. Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

In this response I correct the record.

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  1. Jan Steinman

    Thank you for your tireless work on this, Adam! I support you and the Green Caucus 100%!

    Now if there were some way to get Site C to a vote, too…


    I so appreciate all the work the Greens are doing on behalf of we citizens against the LNG Bill 10.

  3. jean-claude Catry

    first time either that I feel supported by a politician , that demonstrate common sense that is so absent from the political debate and that recognise connection as fondamental fondation for any decisions that could be made , especially connection to future generations. thank you Adam for speaking up against the bait of short tern financial game.

  4. Robert W Hornsey

    Review, delay and second sober thought with MAJOR amendments removing subsidies is an issue Greens must be prepared to BRING THE GOVERNMENT DOWN around. Principled actions are the only thing that count if we want to not become opportunistic enablers. Greens = Green

  5. Richard Hughes

    The distressing thing is that the BC Greens are tactically impoverished. In their enviable ‘Balance of Power,’ position they have allowed Site C, LNG, expanded fracking, Salmon Pharms and along with the BC NDP basically handed it to oil and gas crowd with little than a few whimpers.

    • Adam Olsen

      I would hardly characterize our work on LNG a whimper. While I accept your criticism that we can do better, I agree, I humbly suggest to you that we are only have a discussion about these issues because we are forcing them.

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