
BC’s Solicitor General & Public Safety Minister visits Salt Spring Island to discuss community safety and infrastructure needs

On Friday March 3, 2023, Hon. Mike Farnworth, British Columbia Solicitor General and Public Safety Minister, visited Salt Spring Island with me. We met with the local RCMP detachment and Salt Spring Fire to learn more about the challenges they face maintaining public safety in the community. In addition, we attended...

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We are spending billions so when will British Columbia regulate the addictions treatment industry?

With billions of dollars being invested in addictions treatment and recovery, and the BC Liberals proposing the privatization of the industry, it is clear that at the very least the BC NDP should make sure we are collecting data so we understand the scale and scope of the problem and needed response. In addition, we...

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Minister Rankin’s $75M funding allocation misses crucial opportunity for Indigenous reconciliation priorities

In Supplementary Estimates for the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, we are debating how Minister Murray Rankin is spending $75,000,000 of extra funding allocated from the Finance Minister. I don't dispute that the six agreements Minister Rankin chose to expediate are worthy. Indeed, it is likely...

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Ministerial Statement: Response to the One Year Anniversary of the War in Ukraine

I stood as Third Party House Leader to speak in response to a Ministerial Statement provided by Hon. Anne Kang, Municipal Affairs Minister on the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. [Transcript] I rise today to offer just a few words to the ministerial statement eloquently provided by the Minister of Municipal...

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Does the BC NDP see the exciting economic engine of a re-capitalized Island Coastal Economic Trust?

I followed my question on Tuesday, with another on the topic of re-capitalizing the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICE-T). In her response to my initial question, Minister of Economic Development, Hon. Brenda Bailey pointed to the $33 million REDIP (Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program) as an...

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Response to Ministerial Statement: Recognizing the Solemn Responsibility of Caretaker Communities

With the announcement of more findings of likely burial sites at the Alberni Indian Residential School, and the similar announcement in January at the St. Joseph's Residential School in Williams Lake, the Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Hon. Murray Rankin, offered a Ministerial Statement about the...

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Clock Ticking for ICET: Will BC NDP Government Prioritize Support for Rural Communities on Vancouver Island and Coast?

The Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICE-T) has been an important economic initiative supporting communities on Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast since it was formed in 2006. Originally capitalized with $50 million dollars (+ $10 million added in 2017) the trust was created as a "spend-down" model. This means that...

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BC NDP’s CleanBC Plan in Jeopardy as LNG Projects Clash with Emission Targets

The BC NDP have an LNG problem. They have committed to meet our 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas emissions targets. They have continually promoted the CleanBC climate action plan, calling it "world-leading" and "award winning." They know that the first half of the LNG Canada project currently being built in Kitimat barely...

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Outrage Grows as Saanich Inlet Continues to be Threatened by Quarry Expansion Despite Expert Warnings

The Saanich Inlet continues to be threatened by the industrial expansion of a quarry at Bamberton. Despite Minister of Environment, George Heyman's suggestion the environmental assessment (EA) process is working as it should, the only reason and EA is even being considered is because the Saanich Inlet Protection...

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Bill to Make National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a Statutory Holiday in British Columbia

The British Columbia government is making the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday. It was recommended that governments created a day for truth and reconciliation which the federal government did two years ago. In my second reading speech I outline the importance of this day as an opportunity...

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2023 Speech From The Throne

In my 2023 Response to the Speech from the Throne I cover a variety of topics including Indigenous relations, housing, healthcare, climate action, biodiversity and ecosystem health. This is by no means a fulsome response to all the topics covered in the Throne Speech but I will highlight other aspects I did not get to...

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