I have asked the BC NDP government multiple times if they believe housing is a human right. First, they suggested access to shelter was a human right, then last Fall the housing minister agreed. In this two-minute statement I outline the actions I believe represent a...
The BC NDP have tabled an $89 billion dollar budget. The largest in British Columbia history. With it comes a $7.5 billion dollar deficit. The largest in British Columbia history. They have double the provincial debt since taking office. While I believe this would be...
With the BC Builds program, essentially a recycled HousingHub that the BC NDP announced in 2018 they have reclassified middle-income for a household from $50-100,000 as it was in the former program to $84-191,000. The BC NDP have offered little relief for people...
The Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs is required to be populated by the government at each new session of the Parliament. However, government has failed to call the committee take advantage of the fact that all political parties are represented and it...
In Question Period, I asked the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Hon. Mike Farnworth about accountability for the RCMPs Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG). Minister Farnworth suggested that when there are incidents that are described in the...