The BC Greens are the only party that understands this issue to the core and takes continuous action to protect our present and future. There is no Plan or Planet B. If we remain silent about this problem, we are avoiding our duty.
Adam Olsen has shown 24/7 relentless dedication and genuine care for all residents of Saanich North and the Islands. He has been a strong voice for our community in the BC Legislature. The BC Greens are protecting our home and keep our democracy stronger.
A healthy economy can only be built by healthy people, and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable our society is and how much work there is to do.
I encourage you to join me in voting for Adam Olsen and the BC Greens – to protect our present and our future.
Code Green – Vote Green.
Dr. Juliana Losier CCFP, UBC Clinical Faculty
Mayne Island