PODCAST: Week 7 with Nick Gilchrist

Dec 30, 2019 | Audio, Blog, Podcast: Season 2, Well-being | 1 comment

After a brief unintended hiatus from the podcast Adam Olsen and Nick Gilchrist resume their conversation about life in British Columbia politics.

It has been a busy year and with the original week 7 episode languishing in the dustbin of unpublished podcasts, this second attempt will be much more successful – it will be published.

Part of the challenge of producing a podcast is editing and writing the show notes. So until there his a team producing this show, the show notes are going to be brief.

In Episode 7 Nick and Adam discuss:
  • Nick’s amazing new microphone (Shure SM7B),
  • The missing podcast  (mentioned above),
  • Taking a break (replacing work with puzzle-making),
  • Embracing a new role as the Interim-Leader of the BC Green Party (https://www.bcgreens.ca/leadership_2020)
  • A question from a listener about what is meant when people talk about unceded territory,
  • Looking forward to 2020,
    • Focussing on personal health and well-being,
    • Improving communications,
    • Forestry,
      • The economic perspective and resource harvesting practices of the W̱SÁNEĆ with the SX̱OLE (reef net),
      • Embracing the restoration economy,
      • Having new conversations with the leadership of resource communities about their future,
    • Education,
      • Protecting and enhancing public education as the cornerstone of our modern society.

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1 Comment

  1. Brian Hutchings

    Yes, please focus on forestry and fisheries. Both are in need of better management. In the past policies seem to favour the next electioneering. Lets build the resource, especially fisheries which could certainly use a few years(4-10) of fishing moratorium , as the states has done.

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