Seeking common ground in rental housing

Dec 18, 2018 | Blog, Governance

Governments fixate on housing units. People create homes. There is a big difference.

Housing is the most controversial issue in British Columbia. What is the provincial government doing about it?

People demand less! People demand more!

The home provides security and comfort. It is a primary factor in the health and wellbeing of an individual and a community. You often hear healthcare professionals talk about the social determinants of health. The home is the key.

There is a lot to unpack here. Housing has always been an issue that has interested me. How do we balance the social need to house everyone, while maintaining a housing market? It is a complex onion, and as you peel back the layers it makes your eyes water.

So, when Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, invited me to sit on the Rental Housing Task Force it was an opportunity to seek solutions to this critical aspect of housing and homes.

Humans attempt to establish a home, whether they rent the building, or own it.

In touring the province with my colleagues on the task force we heard the fears, the frustration, the sadness and the anger, from both the owners and the renters. They are stories of broken trust and poorly managed relationships and a struggle to harmonize the rights and responsibilities of both sides of the agreement.

The interest of government is that people are housed. And, that the tenancy is secure and stable enough that neither fear the other. But, government cannot manage each relationship. In the end, that is up to the individuals.

“Every tenant needs a landlord, and every landlord needs a tenant.”

Rental housing is necessary. 1.5 million British Columbians rely on it for their home. So, getting it right is necessary.

While it appears the interests align, it is not always the case. Our task was recommend ways to temper the times they clash.

All things considered, we made recommendations with the home at the centre. Any change to the legislation and regulation will need to be done with great care, because minor tweaks can have major impact.

Check out the final report of the Rental Housing Task Force and all our recommendations here.

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