The Minister of Children and Family Development, Mitzi Dean, has failed to deliver the systemic change needed in the Ministry, and as a result she has failed the most vulnerable children in our province. We continue to see reports about the tragic results produced by the Ministry, and still the...
Southern Gulf Islands
Police Act amendment too little too late for Surrey policing mess
The Police Amendment Act, 2023 is the BC NDP response to the policing mess that has been unfolding in Surrey for the past few years. This situation was entirely avoidable if the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Hon. Mike Farnworth, had intervened but he didn’t and now both the...
Responding to the Emergency and Disaster Management Act
The long-awaited update to the Emergency Program Act (EPA) was finally introduced to the British Columbia Legislature. While there are many of the recommendations from reports over the past twenty years in the new legislation, the BC NDP continues to use enabling legislation to achieve their ends....
Improving our democracy by increasing access to legislative tools for private members
There are many ways we can improve the quality of our democratic processes in between elections. Over the past few months I have been working with colleagues from all other caucuses in a special committee to review how the House currently operates and make recommendations on how we can improve...
Will the Minister update the Mental Health Act to include family members?
I have heard from many families that psychiatric emergency services excludes them from the care of their loved ones in a mental health crisis. It is wonderful that Health Minister Adrian Dix met with Crystal Kenzie and Cindy Zimmer following my questions, and he acknowledged that the mental health...
Will the Minister of Health ensure the quality care seniors deserve?
British Columbia Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie released her second report Billions More Reasons to Care outlining the dramatic differences in the delivery of publicly funded care for seniors in long-term care facilities. You can learn more here. In summary, the report shows that for-profit...
Response: Ministerial Statement on National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
I delivered a response on behalf of the BC Green Caucus to a Ministerial Statement by Hon. Murray Rankin on the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirited, and Gender Diverse People. This statement was written by and delivered in the voice of Gud Takin...
Response: Ministerial Statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
I responded on behalf of the BC Green Caucus to a Ministerial Statement delivered by Hon. Murray Rankin, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, regarding the first provincial statutory holiday marking National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Transcript A. Olsen: HÍSW̱ḴE SIÁM....

Restoring ecological balance on the Southern Gulf Islands
The Southern Gulf Islands are an ecological jewel in the heart of the Salish Sea. Unfortunately, on a few of the islands invasive fallow deer are having a devastating impact on the natural ecosystems. In the first few years of the 20th century the local hunting club introduced European fallow deer to James Island. The deer were successfully...

MLA Column: Multiple crises require a coordinated, collaborative response
As I look ahead to the next legislative session, the political landscape has changed with the emergence of the BC Conservatives as an official party in the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. However, many of the issues remain, and are lacking substantive solutions. This summer has been another season of extremes in British Columbia exposing...

MLA Column: Addition of 6 more MLAs shows a house divided
Every two election cycles a commission is created to review electoral areas. The latest commission finished its review, and the legislature passed a law that created six new seats. Now we are spending $300,000 to add six new desks in the main chamber to accommodate them. I am a member of the legislative management committee that is shoehorning...

MLA Column: Politics getting in the way of police reform
This summer I’ve been engaged in personal and academic inquiry. I’m examining leadership, values, and systems. As an elected official, this is important work. We benefit from critically analyzing ourselves, the groups and teams we are affiliating with, and in service of our constituents, the systems that we create, maintain, and transform....

MLA Column: It’s time to tear down B.C.’s child welfare system
It is time to finally tear down the child welfare system in British Columbia and rebuild it brick-by-brick. Minister Mitzi Dean has proven incapable of transforming the ministry as needed. Premier David Eby should replace her and empower a new minister and deputy minister to begin the process of reconstructing a modern, well-regulated system that...

MLA COLUMN: Government mismanagement endangering health of Salish Sea
I am deeply concerned about the health and well-being of the Salish Sea. The Government of Canada has proven to be incapable of managing our marine environment. It’s unlikely their intention, but together Environment Canada, Transport Canada, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans are successfully overseeing the demise of the WSANEC territory....

Minister Heyman’s Bamberton Quarry decision betrays the environment and the Saanich Inlet
I am disappointed by Minister George Heyman’s (Environment and Climate Change Strategy) decision to decline an environmental assessment for the expansion of the Bamberton Projects quarry in the Saanich Inlet. Minister Heyman failed the environment by not following the precautionary principle as was advised in an exhaustive study of the Saanich...
Estimates 2023: Water, Land & Resource Stewardship
For several years now the BC NDP government has been promising species-at-risk or biodiversity legislation but to date they have failed to deliver. Now with the new Water, Land, Resource Stewardship Ministry up and running I asked Minister Nathan Cullen when we can expect to see the provincial government finally act....
Estimates 2023: Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation
I cover a lot of ground in this hour long session in Budget Estimates with Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Hon. Murray Rankin. We highlight funding for Indigenous language recovery, the use of civil injunctions to protect industrial projects against Indigenous rights and title, the impact of...
Estimates 2023: Citizens’ Services
For the third year in a row, I have spent a considerable amount of my time with Citizens’ Services Minister Lisa Beare discussing the slow pace of change of government adopting technology that can accommodate Indigenous families officially naming their children traditional names. Each year Minister Beare has assured...
Estimates 2023: Municipal Affairs
The exchange with Municipal Affairs Minister Anne Kang is mind-boggling. She had no good answer to how Premier David Eby's housing plans were going to impact communities and no idea if the Islands Trust was included or impacted in any way. Minister Kang encouraged me to go and talk to the Housing Minister. Why then do...

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Rob Fleming visits Salt Spring!
Since my election six years ago I have learned that transportation and infrastructure throughout the riding, but especially on the Southern Gulf Islands, is a perpetual concern. As I noted in Budget Estimates to Hon. Rob Fleming (Transportation & Infrastructure), his local team in the South Island continues to be both responsive and...
Estimates 2023: Transportation & Infrastructure
Transportation and infrastructure throughout Saanich North and the Islands continues to be a priority for local residents. As we see investments in the BC Ferries to address the significant issues the corporation has faced in recent years, the development of the RapidBus network to the Saanich Peninsula, the much...
Estimates 2023: Public Safety & Solicitor General
I have been focusing in on public safety issues since I was included in the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. For me it was a deep dive into the unknown. My exchange from Budget Estimates earlier this Spring with Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General, Hon. Mike Farnworth, is brisk. We have engaged...

Raise Your Voice for Our Environment: Participate in Public Comment Period on Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Expansion
In April the federal government granted conditional approval of the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 port expansion. In order to proceed, the controversial proposal must be approved by the British Columbia provincial government. The provincial Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) is accepting public comments until June 8, 2023. Despite potentially...

Join Minister Rob Fleming and MLA Adam Olsen at ASK Salt Spring to discuss transportation and infrastructure
I am excited to host Hon. Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, this Friday at ASK Salt Spring to discuss transportation issues on Salt Spring Island. I invited Minister Fleming following a visit from Minister Mike Farnworth earlier this Spring where we discussed public safety on Salt Spring. Transportation was repeatedly...

Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: How AI is Reshaping Our Lives and Government’s Passive Approach Isn’t Helping – BC Green Caucus Takes a Stand!
For months, my colleagues in the BC Green Caucus and I have been discussing artificial intelligence (AI). The AI industry has the power to impact personal privacy and fundamentally change our society and economy. How? That's a problem. We currently have no idea of the extent of the impact. Also, consider that the threats and opportunities today...

Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 11 of the 4th Session (42nd Parliament)
ÍY SȻÁĆEL (Good Day), Welcome to my update for week eleven of the 2023 Spring legislative sitting between May 8 - May 11th. Well, first an apology for the long delay in getting this final newsletter of the 2023 Spring session out. It has taken some time to get the video content uploaded on YouTube and posted to my blog That work has...