Looking for a salmon champion! Now is the time to appoint a champion for wild salmon. The crises facing BC’s wild salmon populations, while dire, provide opportunity for action: stakeholders, First Nations, the public and...
Climate Action accountability starts with targets set through Bill 34
Climate action starts with setting goals and accountability measures. British Columbia was a leader in climate action. Former Premier Christy Clark decided not continue the work of her predecessor Gordon Campbell. We have a responsibility...
Funding Translink with DCC’s through Bill 33
The government has committed to funding 40% of the Metro Vancouver Mayors' 10-year transportation plan. Investments in transit and alternative transportation options to the single-occupant vehicle are greatly needed in the lower mainland,...
Supporting BC Colleges to access fair share of federal grants
The Camosun Innovates program receives “Technology Access Centre” grant (or TAC grant) funding from the federal government as part of the of the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council’s “College and Community Innovation”...
A framework for cannabis distribution through Bill 31
With the framework for legalizing the recreational use of cannabis moving through the legislature, the provincial government must legislate how it will be distributed. Bill 31 creates the distribution rules for recreational cannabis....
The Balancing Act: Legalizing Cannabis through Bill 30
The Government of Canada is legalizing cannabis. The provincial government must now develop a framework for the legal recreational consumption of cannabis. Bill 30 is the legislation to control and license the newly legalized industry in...

013 – The Public Circle LIVE! (Banning Big Money)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jASfUu5AfVs[/embedyt] Episode 013 - The Public Circle LIVE! (Banning Big Money) Friday, May 11, 2018 The Public Circle LIVE! is a weekly live broadcast by Adam Olsen from the Saanich North and the Islands Constituency Office...
Protecting rental housing stock with zoning through Bill 23
Bill 23 creates residential rental tenure zoning. The initiative is perhaps the first of its kind provides local governments a tool to ensure important rental housing assets remain rental housing and that town councils can identify areas...
Expanding park land and reattaching Indigenous names through Bill 19
Indigenous place names have marked and identified important locations throughout British Columbia for countless generations. Following contact and settlement of European people new names were added and signs were erected. Bill 19 expands...
Drugged driving enforcement tightens with Bill 17
With the legalization of cannabis coming later this summer, the federal government has but the provincial government's under considerable strain to ensure that our laws are consistent. Unfortunately, much of the federal framework is still...
42nd Parliament, 3rd Session
42nd Parliament, 2nd Session
42nd Parliament, 1st Session
41st Parliament, 5th Session
41st Parliament, 4th session
41st Parliament, 3rd session
41st Parliament, 2nd session
41st Parliament, 1st session