With my part of the 60 minutes that was available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Health, I had a limited opportunity to canvass important topics. In this session, I asked Minister Adrian Dix about the work being done to implement the recommendations of the In Plain Sight report on racism in the...
Budget Estimates 2021: Transportation and Infrastructure
With my part of the 60 minutes that was available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Transportation and Infrastructure, I had a limited opportunity to canvass a couple of important topics. In this session, I asked Minister Rob Fleming about the dumping of scrubber wash water, grey and black water from...
2021 Budget Estimates: Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Our budget estimates exchange with Minister Katrine Conroy was frustrating. Sonia Furstenau and I have been questioning Minister Conroy in Question Period for months now and attempted to use the time in estimates to dig into the issues a little deeper. Unfortunately, the pace was dreadfully slow. During our time we...
Budget Estimates 2021: Minister of Finance on Housing
Housing prices are skyrocketing in British Columbia and across the country and it continues to be a challenging policy issue for all orders of government. In budget estimates for the Ministry of Finance I asked Hon. Selina Robinson about her approach to balancing the supply and demand policy measures that are needed...
Response to Ministerial Statement: Removal of residential school at Lower Post
I provided the BC Green Caucus response to the Ministerial Statement delivered by the Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Hon. Nathan Cullen, regarding the removal of the residential school at Lower Post in Kaska Dena territory. [Transcript] To my colleague from Richmond-Queensborough, HÍSW̱ḴE...
Unacceptable! Minister of Forests commitment to Indigenous rights and title is on her terms
Premier John Horgan and Minister of Forests Katrine Conroy are on the record clearly stating their support for Aboriginal rights, title and sovereignty. When the protests heated up in the forests on Southern Vancouver Island they agreed to the demands of the Huu-ay-aht, Ditidaht and Pacheedaht by deferring some...
Asking about the report on the death of an Indigenous child in care and systemic change
There have been far too many stories of Indigenous youth who have died while under the guardianship of the provincial government. Last week, the Representative for Children and Youth released another report outlining how the system let down Skye. As has been the case for decades, our child welfare system repeatedly...
Forest and range agreements and Indigenous rights and title
When it comes to reconciliation with Indigenous People in British Columbia the BC NDP say the right words. However, their actions fall well short of what is acceptable. This week, I have been pointing out how they continue to use Forest and Range Consultation and Revenue Sharing agreements and how those agreements are...
Pride celebrations and work for LGBTQ2IA+ rights
June is Pride Month. My two minute statement celebrates the powerful advocates who have fought to ensure that everyone can be unapologetically themselves. [Transcript] June is Pride Month. To celebrate, I want to start by looking back. The month of June was chosen to celebrate Pride in commemoration of the Stonewall...
Budget Estimates 2021: Attorney General on Forest & Range Agreements
Over the past few months tensions have been building in the forests on Southern Vancouver Island and across British Columbia. In responses in Question Period and media availabilities, Premier John Horgan has on more than one occasion asserted Indigenous sovereignty, rights and title. In the past, sovereignty, rights...
How will the BC NDP ensure Fairy Creek isn’t repeated?
We have learned about a temporary reprieve with deferrals of old growth logging in Fairy Creek and the Central Walbran. This was achieved in the most difficult way possible: injunctions, protests and arrests. For months my colleague Sonia Furstenau and I have been raising these issues in Question Period and the BC NDP...
Support for residential school survivors and families
In Question Period on Monday May 31, 2021 Premier John Horgan said "we have an obligation to release resources where we can, to improve people's lives, and we're committed to doing that. I know that the member opposite will hold us accountable for that. I look forward to it." On Tuesday I pressed this issue further by...
BC not investing in old growth protection
Over the past couple of weeks I have asked the BC NDP government why they are not following their own policy on conservation and maps from experts highlighting the last remaining endangered forests that should be deferred as per the old growth review panel recommendations. The responses from the Minister of Forests...
Response to Ministerial Statement: Burial site of Indigenous Children at Kamloops Residential School
Today I rose to response to the Ministerial Statement on the burial site of Indigenous children at Kamloops Residential School. [Transcript] I rise today to respond to this ministerial statement. Today my family and the entire B.C. Green caucus team stands with our relatives in the Interior. We wrap our arms around...
New longhouse under construction in Tsawout
A new longhouse is currently under construction in Tsawout First Nation on the Saanich Peninsula. This is an important and exciting project that is well underway. Tsawout is currently fundraising to cover some of the remaining costs and they are inviting the public to make a contribution. You can learn more about the...
Maps show desperate need to protect vanishingly rare old growth
The BC NDP continue to talk and log. They make big promises to protect high productivity old growth forests with no follow through. The Minister of Forests is increasingly dismissive of our questions, but we will not stop asking. This week another embarrassing report was released from the three independent scientists...

Budget Estimates 2021: Energy, Mines, Low Carbon Innovation
With one hour available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation I had a limited opportunity to canvass a couple of important topics. In this session I asked Minister Bruce Ralston about cost estimates for Site C and the viability of LNG and LNG Canada. View the video. Starting at 4:21pm. (Access time...

Budget Estimates 2021: Citizens Services
With 30 minutes available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Citizens Services I had a limited opportunity to canvass a couple of important topics. In this session I asked Minister Lisa Beare about supporting Indigenous business owners ability to name their businesses using traditional names, genuine progress indicators, broadband...
Two new reports show the systemic failures of the Ministry of Forests
For several years the BC Green Caucus has been raising significant concerns about how the British Columbia government is mismanaging our forests. Each time we raise the issue we have heard that the Minister and Ministry are doing the work. They make promises and yet do not follow through. With the backdrop of the RCMP...

Budget Estimates 2021: Municipal Affairs
With 30 minutes available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Municipal Affairs I had a limited opportunity to canvass a variety of topic. To that end, in this session I asked Minister Josie Osborne about her decision to unilaterally cut the $8.4 million Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program. This program was a revenue neutral...

Budget Estimates 2021: Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
With one hour and twenty minutes available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation it provided an excellent opportunity to have a detailed exchange on a variety of important topics. In this session I asked Minister Murray Rankin about the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act action...

Budget Estimates 2021: Advanced Education & Skills Training
With only 30 minutes allocated to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Advanced Education & Skills Training it was difficult to dig into any topic to the level of detail that I would like. In this session I shared the time with my colleague Sonia Furstenau. For the time I had available to me I asked Minister Anne Kang about facilitating...

Budget Estimates 2021: Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
With only 30 minutes allocated to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Tourism, Arts and Culture it was difficult to dig into any topic to the level of detail that I would like. I'll certainly be following up with Minister Melanie Mark on the issues I raised. In this session I ask questions about why the provincial government does not have...
Speaking to British Columbia’s COVID-19 paid sick leave
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic British Columbia has needed a paid sick leave benefit so workers who are feeling sick do not go to work. Advocates have long stated that this is a critical program that will limit transmission of the disease in the workplace. The program covers three days pay. Three...
Questions about the involuntary detainment of youth experiencing a drug poisoning
Due to the death of two very young British Columbians, Bill 22 - Mental Health Amendment Act (2020) has reemerged. The Bill, introduced but not passed last summer, would seek to involuntarily restrain youth. It faced strong opposition from the Chief Coroner, the Representative of Children and Youth, Union of BC Indian...
When will B.C. remove barriers to rapid tests?
A successful pilot project at the University of British Columbia for self-administered rapid tests found 25 asymptomatic cases of COVID-19. Health Canada has been clear that rapid tests are an important part of our pathway out of the global pandemic. They continue to encourage provinces and businesses to use rapid...