On October 25, 2017 students from the Gulf Islands Secondary School visited the legislature. They each wrote me letters with extensive feedback on their experience in Question Period. In my last statement of the Fall session, I read a sampling of their responses into the record. [Transcript] A few weeks back I...
VIDEO: Question to Minister Mungall about Site C (again)
The BC NDP Cabinet will be making a decision on Site C before the end of 2017. There are so many reasons for the government to cancel the project. Over the past few weeks the BC Green Caucus has highlighted many of the reasons in Question Period. Today, I asked Hon. Michelle Mungall (Minister of Energy, Mines and...
VIDEO: Question to Minister Mungall about Site C
Question to Hon. Michelle Mungall about Site C Site C is a major source of contention in British Columbia. Muskrat Falls in Newfoundland & Labrador is an example of government throwing good money after bad and resulting the cost overruns and the doubling of electricity rates to ratepayers. Adam Olsen asks Energy,...
VIDEO – Question to Premier Horgan regarding British Columbia’s energy policy
I rose in question period to press Premier John Horgan on the whether his government was going to follow the BC Liberal approach to energy policy or embrace a 21st century energy policy? [Transcript] This week in the House, British Columbia's energy policy has been canvassed in great detail. In doing so, we've spoken...
VIDEO: Statement on Embracing the 21st century economy in Saanich North and the Islands
I rose in the House to offer a two minute statement about my amazing constituency, Saanich North and the Islands. We have a massive opportunity in our riding to embrace the 21st century economy and I look forward to working with our business community! [Transcript]Saanich North and the Islands is home to amazing...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 15 (Local Elections Financing Amendment Act, 2017)
I rose to speak at second reading to Bill 15 (Local Elections Campaign Financing Amendment Act, 2017). Local government officials have been calling for the changes in this Bill for a long time and I am happy to support them! [Transcript]Thank you. Wow. That never gets old.I come to this House from local government. I...
VIDEO: Question to Minister Mungall regarding the Oil and Gas Commission
In question period I asked Hon. Michelle Mungall, the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, about the Oil and Gas Commission and dozens of unregulated, unapproved dams for use in fracking operations in Northern British Columbia. [Transcript]A. Olsen: There is an inherent conflict when a regulatory agency...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 16 (Tenancy Statutes Amendment Act, 2017)
Recognizing the dramatic housing affordability crisis and a lack of stability for renters in the current marketplace, this Bill provides renters more security. It is important that we strike a fine balance between landlord and renter rights to ensure renters are protected and landlords are encouraged to keep their...
VIDEO: Statement on Peninsula Streams and Ecosystem Protection
Adam Olsen's statement highlighting the incredible work of the Peninsula Streams Society and habitat restoration. Human activity is heavily impacting ecosystems and the work of stream keeping organizations across British Columbia is successfully reversing the negative impacts. [Transcript]Saanich North and the Islands...
Adam Olsen introduces first reading of the First Nations Heritage and Conservation Act 2017
Adam Olsen introduces his first private members bill called the First Nations Heritage Protection and Conservation Act 2017. This bill is a first step towards recognizing that Indigenous burial sites and sacred heritage sites should have the same respect and protection as non-Indigenous sites. [Transcript]I move that...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 6 (Electoral Reform Referendum 2018 Act)
Adam Olsen's response Bill 6. This legislation provides the ability for the British Columbia government to hold a referendum to ask citizens if they would like to reform our electoral system to get rid of first-past-the-post and adopt a proportional representation. [Transcript]I am very pleased to be able to speak in...
VIDEO: Question to Minister Trevena about ride sharing
Adam Olsen's question to Transportation and Infrastructure Minister, Claire Trevena regarding the exclusion of ride sharing companies in the latest round of consultations with the taxi industry. [Transcript]Olsen:Last week, my colleague asked the Minister of Transportation why we're updating legislation for the taxi...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 8 (Lobbyists Registration Amendment Act, 2017)
I rose in the Legislature to speak to Bill 8, the Lobbyists Registration Amendment Act, 2017. This Bill is an excellent start to updating how lobbyists interact with elected officials and senior office holders. We still have a way to go! [Transcript]Okay, alright. Thank you, hon. Speaker, for this opportunity to rise...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 5 (Constitution Amendment Act, 2017)
Today I rose in the Legislature and responded to Bill 5 (Constitution Amendment Act, 2017). The proposed Legislation moves the fixed election date from May to October and changes the number of MLA's required for official party status from four to two. [Transcript]It is very interesting to be in this place, hearing the...
VIDEO: Question to Minister James on housing data
Today I had the opportunity to stand in the Legislature and ask Finance Minister Carole James about collecting housing data to better inform the ongoing development of a evidence-based housing strategy. [Transcript]Developing well-informed evidence-based public policy starts with a strong foundation of good data.To...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 3 (Elections Amendment Act, 2017)
This morning I had the honour of standing and speaking in support of Bill 3, the Election Amendment Act, 2017. Finally, the Bill to "Ban Big Money!" [Transcript]I'm very proud to rise and take my place in this debate on one of the most overdue pieces of legislation that has ever been tabled in this House.Over the past...

VIDEO: Statement on valuing each other
I stood in the Chamber today to speak to the horrific events in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas. [Transcript]I was going to talk about the Union of B.C. Municipalities Convention today. I woke up this morning and turned on the news. Senseless acts of violence in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas.Humans in shocking displays of...
VIDEO: Statement on Outdoor Classroom and Garden Project at Bayside Middle School
[Transcript]A. Olsen: This evening the Bayside Middle School in Brentwood Bay, my home community, is unveiling its outdoor classroom and peace and friendship garden. The year-long project is entitled "NEPENKÁUTW." It's a place of teaching. It's a land-based learning and environmental stewardship and intercultural...
VIDEO: Response to the Budget Update
Today I rose in the House to respond to the Budget Update 2017. While I do not support all the aspects of this budget, I am happy to be able to support it as I believe it takes important steps to addressing many of the critical issues identified to me by my constituents in Saanich North and the Islands and British...
VIDEO: Question regarding Port Mann inquiry
Today I stood in Question Period and asked the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Hon. Claire Travena a question about a potential inquiry into the serious allegations made by CBC reporter Natalie Clancy in this story. BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver and I have asked government for an inquiry and we...