Today I had the opportunity to stand in the Legislature and ask Finance Minister Carole James about collecting housing data to better inform the ongoing development of a evidence-based housing strategy. [Transcript]Developing well-informed evidence-based public policy starts with a strong foundation of good data.To...
VIDEO: Response to Bill 3 (Elections Amendment Act, 2017)
This morning I had the honour of standing and speaking in support of Bill 3, the Election Amendment Act, 2017. Finally, the Bill to "Ban Big Money!" [Transcript]I'm very proud to rise and take my place in this debate on one of the most overdue pieces of legislation that has ever been tabled in this House.Over the past...

VIDEO: Statement on valuing each other
I stood in the Chamber today to speak to the horrific events in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas. [Transcript]I was going to talk about the Union of B.C. Municipalities Convention today. I woke up this morning and turned on the news. Senseless acts of violence in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas.Humans in shocking displays of...
VIDEO: Statement on Outdoor Classroom and Garden Project at Bayside Middle School
[Transcript]A. Olsen: This evening the Bayside Middle School in Brentwood Bay, my home community, is unveiling its outdoor classroom and peace and friendship garden. The year-long project is entitled "NEPENKÁUTW." It's a place of teaching. It's a land-based learning and environmental stewardship and intercultural...

Finance and Government Services Committee
I have been appointed to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services which began operations last week. The committee's first order of business is consultations for the 2018 budget which will take place throughout British Columbia in early October. We have to submit our final report by no later that November 15, 2017, and...

September 2017 – E-Newsletter
Check out the November 2017 email newsletter. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Adam Olsen - Community Newsletter - September 2017(1)"]
VIDEO: Response to the Budget Update
Today I rose in the House to respond to the Budget Update 2017. While I do not support all the aspects of this budget, I am happy to be able to support it as I believe it takes important steps to addressing many of the critical issues identified to me by my constituents in Saanich North and the Islands and British...

BC Government introduces Bill to ban big money
It is an incredible day in British Columbia! Today the B.C. Government introduced Bill 3, the Election Amendment Act. It has been a year since the BC Green Party eliminated corporate and union donations from our Parties contributions, and I am proud we championed this important issue of removing the influence of special interests from our...
VIDEO: Question regarding Port Mann inquiry
Today I stood in Question Period and asked the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Hon. Claire Travena a question about a potential inquiry into the serious allegations made by CBC reporter Natalie Clancy in this story. BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver and I have asked government for an inquiry and we...

VIDEO: Statement on UNDRIP
[embedyt][/embedyt] Today I rose in the House to respond to the Ministerial Statement on the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). Normally, I would not have been allowed this opportunity as this honour is reserved for recognized official...

VIDEO: 2017 budget update
[embedyt][/embedyt] Here is a quick update from Sonia Furstenau and I about the 2017 Budget update.

Video: BC Green Whip
[embedyt][/embedyt] Adam Olsen talks about his role as the BC Green Party Caucus Whip.

BC Cabinet and First Nations Leadership Gathering
I am a member and have lived my whole life in the Tsartlip Village, a proud member of the Bartleman/Olsen family who have been in the W̱SÁNEĆ territory for countless generations. My Coast Salish name is SȾHENEP. There has been a monumental change in the relationship between the federal/provincial/municipal and Indigenous governments in the time...

Atlantic salmon spill in the Salish Sea
I was excited to head out on vacation with my family this week. This year has been non-stop action and we have earned a brief respite before school and the fall legislative session starts up in a couple weeks. Other than keeping my email inboxes pruned, I was not going to spend much time thinking about work. But, as we were heading out of town I...

August 2017 – E-Newsletter
Check out the August 2017 email newsletter. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Adam Olsen – Community Newsletter – August 2017"] Download Adam Olsen - Community Newsletter - August 2017

Town of Sidney Welcome Pole Unveiling
[embedyt][/embedyt] [Transcript]My name is SȾHENEP. It is a name that has been here in this territory for many, many generations. I am from W̱JOȽEȽP and proud to represent our territory in the BC Legislature.I would like to thank the Mayor Steve Price, who, as he mentioned, I have worked with for as...
The First 60 Days
(Video: My first speech in the Legislature.) For months, our team of volunteer canvassers knocked on doors across Saanich North and the Islands. The Greens had teams across the province. Day in and day out, we heard from voters that there was an overwhelming desire for change. The sentiment was expressed by people...