
Who is protecting the Steelhead?

I remain concerned about the government's response to rapid decline of Steelhead trout in the Thompson and Chilcoten Rivers. These fish have been listed as near extinction with only a few dozen fish returning to spawn. Many Steelhead are caught inadvertently, as by-catch, in the Chum salmon gill-net fishery. In...

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Column: Consultations now open on the future of the ALR

Column: Consultations now open on the future of the ALR

I get a lot of questions as your MLA and some of the most challenging have been on the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). In recent weeks we have received a high volume of letters to our office about two ALR issues: the Creating Homefulness Society on Woodwynn Farm, and a proposed cannabis production facility at Stanhope Farm. These are two very...

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Statement celebrating ORCCA Dental Care Society

Making smiles on the Saanich Peninsula The Oral Care for Children and Adolescents Dental Clinic Society (ORCCA) helps children who do not have dental insurance or whose parents cannot afford dental care. In short, they do great work out of an annex at Sidney Elementary. Today, I not only celebrate ORCCA but also what...

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Toward health and wellbeing… an evening with Hon. Adrian Dix

Toward health and wellbeing… an evening with Hon. Adrian Dix

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, we had the honour of hosting Hon. Adrian Dix (Minister of Health) to a Town Hall in Sidney.  Health and wellbeing is a priority topic in Saanich North and the Islands and across British Columbia. In January, our community outreach program called The Public Circle, hosted two meetings with health professionals and...

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The Pacific salmon collapse and fish farm frustration!

The Pacific salmon collapse and fish farm frustration!

Sonia and I have been trying to visit the fish farms in the ‘Namgis territory since early November. The Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw first nations have been publicly opposed to open net fish farms for the past 30 years. Recently, their fight has become very public. Broken promises and betrayal... We travelled into the territory to tour the fish farm...

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Finding common ground. By committee…

Finding common ground. By committee…

I am on the Public Accounts Committee. In January, we are meeting four times to review and receive the backlog of reports from the Auditor General. "It is in committee that we find common ground." Committee work is some of the most rewarding work in the Legislature. The political divisions diminish and nine MLA's focus on the task at hand. It is...

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Talking healthcare in Saanich North and the Islands

Talking healthcare in Saanich North and the Islands

[embedyt][/embedyt] [Correction! The Jan.24/18 event with Hon. Adrian Dix starts at 6:30pm and doors open at 6:00pm] This morning we hosted an excellent public discussion about health and wellbeing in Saanich North and the Islands. During the month of January we are doing extensive consultations about...

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Column: Health care in Saanich North and the Islands

Column: Health care in Saanich North and the Islands

Since my election last May, many of our meetings in the constituency office have been about health and well being. Several important issues have been raised from people and organizations delivering health services in our riding as well as from people who wanted to share their personal experiences with our health system. We quickly realized we...

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We love British Columbia. We wish we could afford a house here!

We love British Columbia. We wish we could afford a house here!

Housing is out of reach! There is no question, housing remains a top issue in our riding and across British Columbia. Housing continues to be a primary focus for me and my BC Green caucus colleagues, Sonia Furstenau and Andrew Weaver. We demanded urgent action on the housing crisis repeatedly throughout the fall session of the Legislature,...

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Who the health cares? We all do!

Who the health cares? We all do!

In the months following the election I have had many meetings about health and wellbeing. We have met with both health service providers and citizens. With so much of the provincial budget dedicated to healthcare, it is important the system is working effectively and that waste is minimal. So, in January we have focussed our community outreach...

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3 Ideas to advance reconciliation!

3 Ideas to advance reconciliation!

The Confidence and Supply Agreement between the BC Greens and BC NDP committed government to take bold action in changing the relationship with Indigenous people. Each member of Cabinet is mandated to deliver on this commitment. As a result, every Minister will be evaluated by how effective they are. It is a measure of success and failure. It is...

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BC Green Caucus responds to Ajax mine decision

BC Green Caucus responds to Ajax mine decision

B.C. GREEN CAUCUS For immediate release December 14, 2017 B.C. Green Caucus respond to Ajax mine decision VICTORIA, B.C. - Today the B.C. Green Caucus responded to the news that the B.C. Government decided not to issue an environmental assessment certificate to the KGHM Ajax Mining Project. “We are happy that government is following the...

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December 2017 – E-Newsletter

December 2017 – E-Newsletter

Check out the December 2017 email newsletter. [pdf-embedder url="⭐-Adam-Olsen-Community-Newsletter-December-2017.pdf" title="⭐ Adam Olsen - Community Newsletter - December 2017"]

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VIDEO: Response to Site C decision

VIDEO: Response to Site C decision

[embedyt][/embedyt] The British Columbia government has decided to proceed with building Site C. This has been a controversial project right from the start and after sleeping on it, here is my response to the decision. Transcript I have heard the tremendous outpouring of emotion regarding the...

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Greens respond to decision to continue Site C

Greens respond to decision to continue Site C

B.C. GREEN CAUCUS For immediate release December 11th, 2017 Andrew Weaver responds to Government’s decision to continue with Site C VICTORIA, B.C. - Today Andrew Weaver responded to the NDP government’s decision to proceed with the construction of Site C. “Our caucus is extremely disheartened by this decision. It is fiscally reckless to continue...

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Open letter regarding Site C

Open letter regarding Site C

Time to stop Site C I and my BC Green Caucus colleagues have been raising strong concerns about Site C in the Legislature. We are clear that the province should cancel the mega-project and instead look to a 21st century approach to energy policy. As the Cabinet is set to make a decision about the fate of the project, we have voiced our concerns...

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Malahat LNG cancelled!

Malahat LNG cancelled!

MALAHAT LNG HAS BEEN CANCELLED! Amongst the densely packed meeting schedule in the constituency office this afternoon, I got the best news. A visit to confirmed that "Malahat Nation and Steelhead LNG are no longer exploring the proposed Malahat LNG project." For 27 months the threat of a floating LNG plant hung over the Saanich...

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BC Liberals vote against moving ride-hailing forward

BC Liberals vote against moving ride-hailing forward

B.C. GREEN CAUCUS For immediate release November 28, 2017 BC Liberals vote against moving ride-hailing forward VICTORIA, B.C. - The B.C. Liberal caucus today voted against moving ride-hailing forward in British Columbia. Last week, B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver announced that he had reached an agreement with the B.C. NDP to move the...

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