
Minister of Public Safety & Solicitor General deflects accountability for provincial police force

Today I asked Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Hon. Mike Farnworth, what specific actions he is taking to ensure that the civil liberties of British Columbians are protected at Fairy Creek. The Minister refused to answer because the matter is before the courts. The videos of the conduct of the RCMP at...

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Response to Ministerial Statement: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In the first session of the Fall 2021 sitting Premier John Horgan delivered a Ministerial Statement to commemorate the first annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. I was honoured to respond on behalf of the BC Green Caucus. It was important to recognize the history that has brought us to commemorating a new...

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Budget Estimates 2021: Health

With my part of the 60 minutes that was available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Health, I had a limited opportunity to canvass important topics. In this session, I asked Minister Adrian Dix about the work being done to implement the recommendations of the In Plain Sight report on racism in the...

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Response to Ministerial Statement: Removal of residential school at Lower Post

I provided the BC Green Caucus response to the Ministerial Statement delivered by the Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Hon. Nathan Cullen, regarding the removal of the residential school at Lower Post in Kaska Dena territory. [Transcript] To my colleague from Richmond-Queensborough, HÍSW̱ḴE...

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Unacceptable! Minister of Forests commitment to Indigenous rights and title is on her terms

Premier John Horgan and Minister of Forests Katrine Conroy are on the record clearly stating their support for Aboriginal rights, title and sovereignty. When the protests heated up in the forests on Southern Vancouver Island they agreed to the demands of the Huu-ay-aht, Ditidaht and Pacheedaht by deferring some...

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Response to Ministerial Statement: Burial site of Indigenous Children at Kamloops Residential School

Today I rose to response to the Ministerial Statement on the burial site of Indigenous children at Kamloops Residential School. [Transcript] I rise today to respond to this ministerial statement. Today my family and the entire B.C. Green caucus team stands with our relatives in the Interior. We wrap our arms around...

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Budget Estimates 2021: Citizens Services

Budget Estimates 2021: Citizens Services

With 30 minutes available to the BC Green Caucus for Budget Estimates in Citizens Services I had a limited opportunity to canvass a couple of important topics. In this session I asked Minister Lisa Beare about supporting Indigenous business owners ability to name their businesses using traditional names, genuine progress indicators, broadband...

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