Celebrating the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Healthcare Foundation

Oct 26, 2023 | 42-4, Blog, Governance, Legislature, Statement, Video

The people on the Saanich Peninsula have long fought to preserve our community hospital.

Each year they contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Healthcare Foundation to upgrade the facility, equipment, and infrastructure. The whole community is grateful for every dollar that is donated to the hospital foundation and in this statement I raise my hands in gratitude to the foundation.

Additionally, I raise my hands to the retired former Foundation CEO Karen Morgan who is retiring again, this time as the interim-Executive Director of the Shoreline Medical Clinic and welcome the incoming Executive Director Heather Edward.


Saanich Peninsula residents have long fought to preserve our community hospital. For many of us, it was where our family members were born, and it is where we’ve said our last advice. The hospital supports more than 30,000 households on the Saanich Peninsula and southern Gulf Islands. Over the past 35 years, the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Health Care Foundation has organized has more than 30 fundraising drives, collecting nearly 88,000 donations and raising more than $75 million to upgrade and modernize our hospital. The work includes 12 major renovation and construction projects, hundreds of pieces of invaluable life saving equipment.

This summer, when the emergency room was forced to close in the evenings, I heard from the residents on the Saanich Peninsula renewed vocalization about the positive feeling we have for our hospital. That is why when the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Health Care Foundation hosted its annual gala fundraiser this past weekend, for the first time, at the Mary Winspear Centre, the community showed up to return the support the hospital provides for us.

This year, the generous people of the Saanich Peninsula donated a record $619,000 for the latest fundraising campaign. Chaired by the one and only Dr. Ambrose Marsh, the fundraising goal is $15 million to renovate the 50-year-old acute care unit. If you’re interested in supporting the campaign is sphf.ca.

Finally, I must raise my hands in gratitude to the retired CEO of the foundation, Karen Morgan. Karen is retiring again this time from her role as the interim Executive Director of the Shoreline Medical Clinic. Thank you, Karen, for your powerful service in health care on the Saanich Peninsula, and welcome, Heather Edward, the new executive director of the Shoreline Medical Clinic.



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