Pssst… this is the centre of the universe!

Feb 5, 2019 | Blog | 3 comments

You are at the centre of the universe! Look after it and make sure it does not fall apart, or everything else falls apart around it. This is an ancient notion.

I had a rough time through my twenties and a conversation with my late-Grandma Laura Olsen changed my life. She gave me a new sense of purpose. Purpose rooted in place.

W̱SÁNEĆ is a sacred place she said. And, the W̱SÁNEĆ people have a responsibility to be stewards of it. We have a duty to nurture positive relationships with all things in our territory.

Indeed, as much of the living world around us is transformed from humans, the relationships are very close. We are relatives. This is our responsibility, and it comes directly from the Creator. Grandma Laura recognized her grandson was wayward, so she gave me this direction.

But, it is not good enough to carry this obligation, and to walk this path, alone. For it to be meaningful, we all must share it. So, once Grandma Laura had rescued me from my disconnected journey, she reconnected me to my place, and then told me to share this with you.

She saw the impact of new people coming into the territory and living so disconnected from it as we do.

Dig deep roots

Modern society is a “don’t be gentle, it’s a rental” kind of culture. We are highly mobile. There are few obstacles that keep us from picking up and going anywhere on the planet. We may have a fond spot in our hearts for the place we are born and raised, but our roots are shallow.

We are where we need to be. If we need to be somewhere else, then just go there. And, over the past century all parts of our planet have become increasingly accessible.

So, the message from my late-grandmother is incredibly important.

You are in the centre of the universe. Don’t let it fall apart.

Pass it on.

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  1. Shelagh Levey

    So true, Adam. I also happen to think that the Salish Sea and its coastal areas is one of the sacred places on earth. Many positive things have happened and are happening here. There seems to be a higher awareness and consciousness in this area.

  2. Jacob Enns

    And so it is!

  3. Jan Steinman

    Modern society is a “don’t be gentle, it’s a rental” kind of culture.

    Thanks for that thought, Adam.

    We all need to re-learn “rooted culture” from aboriginals. We’ve been trying to get people to share land via a co-op structure, but almost the first thing they want to know about is the “exit strategy.” That’s like discussing the impending divorce on the first date.

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