We banned big money!

Nov 22, 2017 | Blog, Governance, Video

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-nZQJMeLDk[/embedyt]

Yes, we followed through! We banned big money!

In September 2016, the BC Greens banned big money (corporate and union) donations from our parties revenue. We showed leadership and that we can be successful in politics with just the support of people.

In May 2017, three Greens were elected to the Legislature. The election results were so close there was a minority government for the first time in decades. The Greens signed a confidence and supply agreement with the BC NDP where we committed to change the influence of politics in our province forever.

We promised we would ban corporate, union and foreign donations. We pledged to get rid of pay-to-play events where decision-makers sold access for cash, undermining British Columbia politics and politicians the world over.

Today, we cleared the final hurdle. We followed through on one of our main campaign commitments. Today, we took the final step in banning corporate, union and foreign donations in the fist session of the Legislature.

This bill is one of a handful of pieces of legislation we Greens have been working on to regain trust and confidence in government. In addition, we are reforming municipal election financing, starting to lobbying reforms. Now, most critically we are working to make the change to proportional representation.

I am excited about the work we are doing in the Legislature!

Photo credit: “Stock Photography – Canadian Money” by “KMR Photography” under “CC BY 2.0


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