VIDEO: Statement on valuing each other

Oct 3, 2017 | 41-2, Blog, Governance, Video

I stood in the Chamber today to speak to the horrific events in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas.


I was going to talk about the Union of B.C. Municipalities Convention today. I woke up this morning and turned on the news. Senseless acts of violence in Edmonton, Las Vegas and Lawrence, Kansas.Humans in shocking displays of savagery. It was a disturbing morning. Add these two incidents to an ancient history of humans treating each other very, very badly.

I wake up each morning well before my SṮLITḴEȽ, my babies. This morning, when I went into their rooms to get them up, I stood over their peaceful slumber. I paused to ask myself: how is it that these innocent, perfect little humans can become so monstrous?

Humans have been mistreating each other forever, mistreating other living things, even the very TEṈEW̱, the very earth that sustains us. We focus on what divides us, our differences. We pursue power over one another. We want to control and dominate, and force others to submit.

I was raised with the teaching that we are to love one another, that we are to be humble and put others before ourselves. Yet somewhere along the way, we have lost these teachings. This society that we have constructed does not really allow us to love one another. Even this stone building, built on long houses, is full of rituals, ceremonies and practices that divide.

Today, I stand in this place to embrace each one of you, my colleagues. In SENĆOŦEN it’s called ṮITEL. We value each other. We love one another. I love each of you, and I commit to you to work every day. My work is inspired by that love. By the love for my SṮLITḴEȽ, our children, for all living things and our TEṈEW̱, let’s do this work with humility and love in our hearts. HÍSWḴE SIÁM.


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