BC Government introduces Bill to ban big money

Sep 19, 2017 | Blog, Governance

It is an incredible day in British Columbia!

Today the B.C. Government introduced Bill 3, the Election Amendment Act.

It has been a year since the BC Green Party eliminated corporate and union donations from our Parties contributions, and I am proud we championed this important issue of removing the influence of special interests from our campaign. I am proud we were so successful in the 2017 provincial election despite not being funded by corporate and union donations. We proved we could put British Columbians and sound public policy ahead of politics and earn seats the in the Legislature.

Who is allowed to donate is just one of many initiatives that were needed and a first glance at Bill 3 I am pleased to see that the Government has taken this issue very seriously. Our commitment to British Columbians is not just reflected in the content of this Bill, but also my experience as the BC Green lead on this issue throughout the summer while working with the Government.

Bill 3 appears to be comprehensive as our conversation. It not only removes corporate and union donations, but it also sets one of the lowest annual contribution limits in the country ($1200 in total contributions), reduces the spending limits and addresses issues related to third party spending.

Over the coming days and weeks, we will be looking at this Bill closely. At this point, I am thrilled that this was not only the first piece of legislation put forward by our new Government but that it was a substantial part of the Confidence and Supply agreement between the BC Greens and BC NDP.

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For immediate release
September 18, 2017

B.C. Green caucus statement on government’s introduction of campaign finance bill

VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, and Adam Olsen, B.C. Green caucus spokesperson for democratic reform, responded to the introduction of the Elections Amendment Act 2017. An agreement to reform B.C.’s electoral finance laws was a flagship component of the Confidence and Supply Agreement signed between Weaver and Premier Horgan and all members of their caucuses.

“This is a historic day for our province’s democracy,” Weaver said.

“Big money has been the defining feature of what is broken in B.C. politics. Now, one year after B.C. Greens banned corporate and union donations to our own party, we will ban it province-wide once and for all. I am delighted that 2017 will go down in history as the last big money election in B.C.”

“The undue influence of special interests through our province’s lax campaign finance laws has led to cynicism and to people feeling like their voices are not heard,” Olsen continued.

“British Columbians should be able to trust their government to put them – not special interests – first. This legislation is a big step towards restoring that trust.

“In our consultations leading up to the introduction of this legislation, our caucus’ core goals were to ban on corporate and union donations, to ensure B.C. is among the lowest individual contribution limits in the country and that this happened immediately as one of the first bills tabled in the legislature.

“I thank Mr. Eby and his office for their diligent work bringing this bill forward so early in the session. In the days and weeks ahead, we will work with the government to ensure that this legislation is comprehensive and adequately addresses the issues with the current system.”


Media contact

Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary

+1 778-650-0597 | jillian.oliver@leg.bc.ca


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